Chapter 32:

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Jaclyn's POV:

Oh. My. Gosh. I'm going to be Mrs. Gilbert soon. When we got back to the house momma Becky had Aeri playing on her floor mat. I smiled and went over to her. I tickled her stomach and she laughed. I picked her up and sat her in my lap. She was all giggly. I tucked my hair behind my hair and made faces at her. I she grabbed my hair and I made her let go. She cried and clung to my chest. I rubbed her back and changed her clothes into comfy clothes since we were going home new had a hour ride till we get home. I changed into Jean shorts and and a tank top with one of Brantleys sweatshirts. I carried Aeri to the truck and buckled her up. B came to my side. I shut Aeris door and leaned up against it. B put his hands above my head. I put my hands on his cheek. I gave him a kiss then ducked under him to get in. He laughed and slapped my ass. I laughed and got in. We drove to a gas station and got drinks. He handed me my drink and he got in. I laid my head on the console and held his hand. He played with my ring. I soon fell asleep.

30 minutes

I woke up to a slam and glass everywhere. I screamed in pain. B unbuckled and crawled over.

B: baby. Are you okay?
J: my back hurts.

He leaned back and checked on Aeri. She was fine and she was awake playing with her toy. I heard sirens.

The next thing I know I was being carried out of the truck. I was laid on a stretcher got an oxygen mask put on me. They loaded me up and asked me to point to where it hurts. I pointed to my back and stomach.

I was unloaded and taken in for x rays. They said I bruised the muscles in my back and it was just the impact making my stomach hurt. They gave me pain pills to help with the pain and I passed out.

Brantleys POV:

I don't know what happened. I was going down a hill and then I hit the car in front of us. They let me back to Jaclyns room. She was passed out. The nurse said it was from her pain killers. I saw her ring and noticed that I really could of lost the love of my life. I held her hand and laid my hand on it and started crying. I felt someone touch my head. It was Jaclyn.

J: why are you crying?
B: I thought I lost you. I thought I lost Aeri.
J: babe. It's not your fault. There was a car parked at the bottom of a hill.
B: I know.

I kissed her head and sat up. She sat up and gritted her teeth. They brought Aeri in and said she was fine. Nothing was wrong. I held Aeri while Jaclyn laid on her side next to me.

30 ish minutes later

The doctor came in and said that Jaclyn and Aeri were discharged. When Jaclyn tried to sit up she gritted her teeth in pain.

B: grab my hand.

She grabbed my hand and slowly pulled herself up. I grabbed Aeris seat and put her in it. We went to the waiting room and Kolby was there.

J: what's he doing here?
B: well we can't drive the truck home so I had to call someone. The bags are in a back room.

I handed her Aeri and made Kolby come with me to come get the bags. We got them in the truck and loaded the girls up. Kolby put Aeri and I helped Jaclyn in. I sat in the back with them. Aeri held my finger and Jaclyn had her head on my shoulder with our fingers intertwined. When we got home I grabbed Aeri and took her inside. Kolby had brought the bags in. He was hugging Jaclyn when I came down. He kissed her forehead and left. She went into the other room and got Aeri. She went and laid down with her in our bed. Once they passed out I took a picture. " Day started out great and ended pretty rough. Prayers please. " I laid down behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

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