Chapter 29:

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Jaclyns POV:

Caroline pulled into a spa.

J: what the hell are we doing here?
C: it's a day at the spa. B already booked it for us.
J: okay.

We went in and got a massage first. Damn it felt good. I got my nails and toes done. I got my hair dyed. When we were done we went out to eat then to the mall. About 4 we headed home. When we got to my house she went in first. She wanted to record his reaction to my hair. She yelled for me to come in. I came in and his jaw dropped.

J: ya like?
B: I love.

He picked me up and hugged me. When he put me down Caroline pulled me to the side.

C: Lukes on tour. The boys are at Lukes moms. Let me take Aeri so you all can have a night with a kid.
J: alright. Thank you so much.

We went upstairs and packed all of her stuff up. Caroline took her and left. I went upstairs and drew a bath. I got in and B slipped in behind me. He rubbed my shoulder and pulled me closer. I laid with the back of my head on his chest. He kissed the side of my head then down my neck. I turned around and straddled him. I kissed him the kissed down his neck. Then down his chest. I felt him get hard. I got up and went into the closet. Threw on some clothes and went downstairs. I saw him come running down in shorts and a cut off.

B: you teaser. Your gonna pay.
J: nope. Never.

He started running after me so I bolted out the door. I was running when I slipped and fell. I jumped up and went running again. He caught me and spin me around then lifted me in the air. I laughed and kissed him. He threw me over his shoulder and went inside.

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