Chapter 12

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Jaclyn's POV:
I woke up and Brantley was still curled up to me. I kissed his head and rubbed his head. He woke up and leaned up and kissed me. He got up and put some pants and a shirt on. We went into the living room and Momma Becky was up. I went and sat down next to her.

MB: good mornin darlin
J: good mornin momma Becky.

Brantley came over and gave her a hug before he started breakfast. I have no clue what he's trying to cook because that man can not cook worth crap. I went into the kitchen and saw him with his elbows on the counter and his head in his hands. I laid my head on his back and wrapped my arms around his stomach.

J: what's wrong babe?
B: I can't fucking cook a damn thing.
J: it's okay. I'll teach ya.
B: okay.

I taught him how to make a basic pancake. He went to blend the batter and the flour went everywhere. I screamed and he turned it off laughing. Kolby woke up and came in.

K: what the hell happened in here?
J: I tried to teach Brantley how to cook.
K: that's your mistake.

He laughed and went into the living room. We started cleaning everything. About half way done I went and got in the shower. After I was done B went and got in the shower. We finished cleaning up and decided to order breakfast.

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