Chapter 47:

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Brantley's POV:

I woke up and saw my beautiful wife asleep with our daughter curled up to her chest. I brushed some hair out of Jaclyn's face and kissed her forehead. She stirred and opened her eyes. She looked at me and smiled.

B: Hey baby

J: Good morning.

B: Wanna head home?

J: Yeah.

I sat up and went to her side. I helped her up and grabbed her cheeks. I slowly kissed her. Our lips moved in perfect sync. She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck. When we were done kissing I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. I set her on the counter and put my hands on her baby bump.

B: You look so damn gorgeous.

J: Thank you.

She gave me a kiss and turned around to face the mirror. She was fixing her make up so I went a head and went to the bathroom. When I was done I washed my hands and helped Jaclyn down. I grabbed her hand and headed back to the bedroom. I carefully picked up Aeri and headed downstairs. I found mom and told her bye. She gave me a hug and kissed Aeri's head. She gave Jaclyn a hug and we left.

It was currently 5 am so I grabbed a pillow and blanket I keep in the tool box for Jaclyn. I gave it to her and she curled up and fell asleep. I covered Aeri up and she passed out. I got them settled and headed home.

When we got home I woke Aeri up and took her inside first. I changed her diaper and laid her down in her bed. I went back out and woke Jaclyn up.

B: Hey baby. We are home.

She turned around and looked at me.

B: Come on. Let's go inside.

She sat up so I reclined the seat up. I took the pillow and blanket and put them back into the tool box. I went to her door and helped her out. I wrapped my arm around her waist to make sure she didn't fall over.

When we got to our room I gave her a pair of my sweat pants and a sports bra. She changed and laid down in bed. I put on some basketball shorts on and laid down next to her. I laid on my back and she laid her head on my chest and fell asleep.

2 hours later

We woke up around 9. Jaclyn was already up when I woke up. She had Aeri next to her and they were watching cartoons. I grabbed my phone and checked it. Aeri climbed over next to me and laid down on my pillow. I took a selfie of us and posted it on Instagram " My little girl #bestthingever ". I put my phone away and kissed her head. I looked at Jaclyn and she didn't look like she felt very good.

B: you okay babe?

J: yes.

B: don't lie to me.

J: my stomach hurts a little. It's fine.

B: are you sure?

J: yeah.

She laid on her side and closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead and grabbed Aeri.

B: Aeri. Let's let momma rest. She doesn't feel good.

A: ok.

I picked her up and we went downstairs.

When I got downstairs with Aeri I sat her in her high chair and started breakfast. I looked at the calendar and saw that Jaclyn has an appt today at 12. I looked at the clock and it was now 10:30. I finished my shake and went upstairs. I set Aeri in her crib and went into our room. I stood behind Jaclyn and rubbed her back.

B: Babe. It's time to get up. You need to get ready for your appt.

J: Okay.

I kissed her head and went to get Aeri ready.

After getting Aeri ready I went back to our room and laid Aeri on our bed. She started to fall asleep because it's around nap time. I changed into jeans and a v neck. I put my boots on and my chains then my rings and dog tags. I picked Aeri up carefully and carried her to the truck. I helped Jaclyn in and we left.

When we got there Aeri was fighting to take a nap. When we got to the exam room I put Aeri down and helped Jaclyn up on the table. Aeri didn't like that. She cried until I picked her up. I scooted the chair closer to Jaclyn and leaned back trying to get Aeri to fall asleep. I rocked her and hummed songs to her. Nope. She wasn't having it.

Finally the doctor came in. She rubbed the stick around and said she was for sure pregnant and said she could tell the gender.

D: do you want to know?
J: yes.
D: okay it's a.......

AUTHORS NOTE: what do you think it is???

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