Chapter 67

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Brantley's POV:

Today we get to go home with Ryder. I helped Jaclyn take a shower and get ready to go. Once she was ready I got Ryder in his outfit and Jaclyn took pictures of him. A nurse came in and took our picture with Ryder. I laid him in his seat and buckled him up. I covered him up and carried his seat. I had already put our bags in the truck so all I had to carry was Ryder. The nurse pushed Jaclyn out to the truck.

When we got to the truck I put Ryder in then helped get Jaclyn in.

Nurse: All good?
B: Yes. Thanks
Nurse: Yep and congrats again.
B: Thank you.

I gave Jaclyn her blanket to lay across her incision so the seatbelt didn't rub it. I got in and drove home. She held my hand the whole time and squeezed it whenever I hit a bump.

B: I'm sorry baby.
J: it's okay. You can't control the bumps.

I kissed her hand and held it. When we got home I got Ryder out and carried him inside. I got Jaclyn out and inside. I held her arms while she sat down in the recliner.

B: whatcha need baby?
J: I just want Ryder.

I nodded and slid him out of his seat. I held him against my chest and handed him to her. She took him and laid him on her chest. She took a deep breathe and relaxed. I started putting stuff away and started some laundry. I went into the living room and Jaclyn was almost asleep.

B: Hey baby
J: Yeah?
B: I'm gonna go take a shower.
J: Okay
B: Want me to lay Ryder down?
J: No. he's fine
B: okay

I leaned down and gave her a kiss. I lightly ran my hand over his back and kissed his head. I went upstairs and got in the shower real quick.

When I got out I got dressed and went downstairs. Jaclyn was asleep in the recliner with Ryder on her chest. I smiled and snapped a picture of them. I slid my arm under Ryder and picked him up. Jaclyn started to move so I rubbed her arm.

B: Hey. Go back to sleep. I got Ryder.
J: Okay

She laid back and fell back asleep. I held Ryder in my left arm and covered her up with a blanket. I kissed her head and went upstairs. I laid Ryder in his bed and grabbed the monitor. I went into the room and laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up and checked on Ryder. He was still asleep so I went downstairs. Jaclyn was trying to get up.

B: Hey. Let me help ya.

I grabbed her hand and put my hand on her back to help her up.

J: Thank you
B: Why didn't you yell for me?
J: I thought I could get up.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around her while she got her balance. I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back.

J: I gotta pee.

I chuckled and let go of her. When she came back out I helped her upstairs. When we got upstairs she decided to take a shower. Once she was out I helped her get dressed.

B: Lay down. I gotta clean your incision.

She sighed and laid down.

B: You know your ass looks really good in those yoga pants.

She laughed and shook her head. She rolled her waist band down and I started to clean it. She kept gritting her teeth and hitting the bed. I stopped for a minute.

B: I'm sorry baby.
J: It's okay.

I leaned up and she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her. She laid one of her hands on the back of my head and one on my shoulder. I kissed her neck and looked up at her.

B: You okay?
J: Yeah just hurry up and finish please.

She wiped a tear away and laid her hands behind her head. I nodded and finished cleaning it then covered it up. I rubbed her thigh when I was done. I put the stuff up and stood next to her.

B: Need anything?
J: You. I need you to lay with me.
B: Okay. Let me check on Ryder first.

She nodded and took a deep breathe. I went into his room and he was awake. I picked him up and changed his diaper. I sat in the chair and rocked him until he fell back asleep. Once he fell asleep I laid him back down and went back into the bedroom. Jaclyn was trying to sit up. I helped her up and she swung her legs over the edge. She grabbed my hands and held them really tight. She laid her head on my stomach.

B: What's wrong babe?

She sat back and was breathing heavy. She pointed to her chest.

B: Anxiety?
J: I don't know. (short breathes) I've never felt like this.

I picked her up and made her stand up. She put her hands behind her head and tried to take normal breathes. I texted Rachael and she came over. When she got here I was in the bedroom with Jaclyn. She had her arms wrapped around my neck. I held her close to me. Rach came in and listened to her lungs from her back. That's when Ryder started crying. I left Jaclyn with Rach and went into Ryders room. I changed him and took him downstairs to make him a bottle.

When I got back upstairs I heard Rach talking to Jaclyn.

R: You need to go to urgent care. I think you are having an anxiety attack.
J: I've been like this for about a half hour.
R: I'm calling them to expect you. I'll keep Ryder here.

I walked in and handed Ryder to Rach.

B: Let's go.

I put my shoes on and helped her put a jacket on. We got in the truck and left.

After urgent care

The doctor prescribed her an anti-anxiety med. As soon as she took it she was a little bit better. When we got home Ryder was asleep in his swing. Jaclyn didn't say anything but went straight to him and picked him up and held him.

B: Thank you
Rach: No problem.
B: I just don't know what to do. This whole pregnancy was rougher on her.
Rach: Mine with Lane was too. Just call me again if anything happens again

I nodded and walked her out. I went back inside and she was laying Ryder down in his bed. I went into the room and put my shoes away. I laid down and she came in. She climbed into bed and cuddled up to my side. I kissed her head and wrapped my arm around her.

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