Chapter 39:

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Brantleys POV:

Aeri is fully recovered from her surgery. Jaclyns ankle is totally fine now. Everything is going great.

Tonight I'm gonna propose to Jaclyn. We are gonna walk down by the lake. I want Aeri to be there. I set out an outfit for Jaclyn and told her to take a shower and change. I got Aeri something to eat and went upstairs to get her dressed. I went into our room and changed into jeans and a black v neck. I got Aeri and wrote a note to Jaclyn " meet me down at the lake. love B ".

I headed down there and got Aeri sitting down with a toy. I was sitting infront of her when I saw Jaclyn head down here. I looked at Aeri and said

B: Look! It's momma!

Her eyes got huge and she started clapping. I laughed and picked her up. I walked and met Jaclyn half way. I gave her a kiss and Aeri reached for Jaclyn. She took her and gave her a kiss. She was wearing a cute sundress with tan wedges.

B: hey babe
J: what?
B: what's that over there?

She turned around and I got on one knee.

J: what's what?

She turned back around and covered her mouth.

B: Jaclyn Elisabeth Kelley. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have changed me so much. You got me to stop drinking and smoking. You've helped me with my anger. You are the most amazing woman ever. I thank god every day for you. I still have no clue how a girl like you fell for a guy like me. You brought the other best thing into my life. Aeri. I love you with all my heart. No words can describe my love for both of you. Will you marry me?

She now has tears streaming down her face. She shakes her head yes. I smile and put the ring on her finger. Aeri grabs Jaclyns cheeks and said

A: no no
J: no no what?
A: sad

We both laughed and I grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss. We kissed till Aeri tried to separate us. I laughed and took her. She laid her head on my shoulder and played with my dog tags. I wrapped my other arm around Jaclyn and held her tight. I kissed her head.

I hired a photographer to take pictures when I proposed and everything. I leaned back from our hug and handed Aeri to Jaclyn. I went up to the house and the guy had saw me heading out and met me up there. He showed me the pictures and I paid him. I grabbed a bag that had sodas, juice for Aeris, and subway sandwiches. I went back down to the lake and smiled when I saw Aeri walking to Jaclyn. She picked her up and spun her around causing Aeri to laugh.

I put the bag down and went over to Jaclyn.

J: what's that?
B: food
J: what kind of food?
B: sandwiches
J: what kind of sandwiches?
B: do you really have to ask?
J: no. I know it's subway.

We both laughed and I took Aeri. I put her in her bouncy seat I had down there. She drank some juice and fell asleep. I was sitting on the dock with Jaclyn next to me. We ate and watched the sun set.

I looked down and saw Jaclyn was asleep. I scooted out from under her and packed everything up. I got Aeri out of her seat. I had the gator in the shed by the lake. I picked Jaclyn up and laid her in the passenger seat and had Aeri in my arms. When we got back up to the house I woke Jaclyn up and took Aeri into her room. I got her in her pj's and fed her a bottle. She passed out so I left her room. I went downstairs and got everything out of the gator bed. I put it all up and drove the gator back to the shed. When I came back Jaclyn was in the bathroom so I laid down on the bed.

When she came out she crawled into bed and strattled my waist. She gave me a kiss and started to grind on my package. I put my hands on her hips and that's when Aeri started to cry.

B: damn it. Daddy was gettin sugar.
J: apparently not tonight

She got up and went into her room. She came back with a confused face.

B: what?
J: feel her face. Does she feel warm?

I felt her face and shook my head yeah. She handed me Aeri and went into the other room. I stood up and bounced her and sang songs to try and calm her down. Jaclyn came back in and gave her some medicine. She took Aeri and I changed into sweat pants. I had no shirt on and sat down in bed. Aeri crawled over to me and laid her head on my lap. I leaned back and rubbed her back. Here's to a rough night.

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