Chapter 9:

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Jaclyns POV:
I woke up to no Brantley. I went into the living room and found him asleep. I sat on his lap and kissed up and down his neck to wake him up. He groaned and moved. I kissed his neck and he completely flipped over. I fell on the ground and he woke up when I fell. He got up and freaked out. He picked me up and sat me in his lap. We talked for a couple hours and then got something to eat. We have two days off till we have a show in Jefferson, GA where Brantley is from.

We pulled into Jefferson, and went to pack our bags.

I had my back towards Brantley and said

J: Do you think they will like me?
B: What are you talking about?
J: Your family.

He came and grabbed the stuff from my hands and put it down. He held my hands and said

B: Baby. They will love you.
J: I know I'm just stressed.
B: You shouldn't be.

He wrapped me in a hug and rubbed my back. I turned around and finished packing my bag since we are staying at his moms house. When I was done packing he loaded up my bags and we left.

1 hour later

We finally got to his moms house. Brantley got out and helped me out of the truck. I stood there and laid my head on his chest. I took a deep breathe in and let it out. Brantley squeezed my arms and rubbed them then kissed my head. By that time his mom had already came out the door. Here we go.

B: Hey momma.
M: How's my baby boy?
B: Fine. I want you to meet my girlfriend Jaclyn.
M: Nice to meet you.
J: Nice to meet you.
M: If you don't mind me asking. Why is your foot in a boot?
J: Brantley had a concert and it was his last song so I went to the dressing room and on the way there I stepped in a hole and fell to the ground. I finally got to the dressing room and asked for service to bring me ice. When I was about to put the ice on and that's when Brantley came in. Brantley and Justin tried helping me to the car. We got half way and it hurt to bad. Brantley went and got the car. When we got to the hospital they said I just pulled and tour a muscle.
M: Oh sweetie.

We went inside and sat on the couch. Brantley had his arm around my shoulder and I had my head on his chest/shoulder. He got me a little bench for my foot. We talked for a few hours and out came the baby book.

M: This picture was when Brantley was one and he fell and cut the side of his cheek.
J: Aww
B: Why must you bring out the baby book?
M&J: It's cute.
M: He was 6 in this picture and he flipped the camera off.
J: Brantley!!
B: What!?
J: Oh. My. Gosh.

We looked at baby pictures for a hour and then went to bed.

J: Babe. Will you help me?
B: Yeah what do you need?
J: I need to clean my cut but it hurts to bad I don't want to touch it.
B: Alright. Get your boot off and I will go get the cleaning kit.

I got my boot off and changed into pj's. Brantley came back with a small towel and the cleaning kit. He put the towel behind my leg so he didn't get the bed wet when he sprayed my cut.

B: This is gonna hurt.
J: Okay.

He didn't tell me he was spraying rubbing alchol on it. I screamed in pain. I gripped the bed and teared up because it hurt so bad. He leaned up and kissed my head.

J: I. Hate. You.
B: I know. I'm sorry.

He leaned up and kissed my forehead again. He dried it off and wrapped it up. He helped me put my boot back on and get into bed. He laid down then I laid down and curled up to him. I leaned up and kissed him.

J: Goodnight.
B: goodnight baby. I love you.
J: i love you too.
I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep.

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