Chapter 20:

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Kolbys POV:

I went outside to calm down Brantley.

K: Bro. You need to calm down.
B: How am I supposed to calm down when she didn't tell us!?
K: she wanted to make sure he was good and knew we would flip out.

He walked down near the trees and kicked them. I went back inside and went over to momma.

MB: Are you mad at me?
K: No. Actually I'm glad you got a boyfriend.
MB: thank you.

I wrapped her a hug and heard B break something. Jaclyn touched my shoulder and went outside. This should be interesting.

Jaclyn's POV:
I went out and saw that Brantley had kicked the trash can.

B: what!?
B: Why!?
J: if you don't calm down I'm leaving.
B: alright. Kolby will take me home. I'll see ya at home.
J: not that kind of leave. I will not let you hurt your mother like that. Do you understand how hard that was for her!?
B: ......
J: damn it Brantley.

I walked inside and grabbed the truck keys. I hugged kolby bye and gave momma a hug. When I went out Brantley was standing infront of the door to the truck.

B: baby. Please don't go.
J: B. Get out of my way.
B: No.
J: now or your gonna regret it.
B: how? You would never hurt me on purpose.

That's when I lost it. I kicked him in the nuts.

J: if you don't want to be ran over please move to the side.

He rolled into the grass. I got in the truck and plugged my phone into the charger and aux cord. I rolled the window down and let the wind blow through my hair. I got home and called Miranda.

M: hey girlie
J: hey ran. I got a question.
M: ask away
J: can I come over? I need a night away.
M: of course. Everything alright?
J: I will explain when I get there.
M: okay. Be safe. Love you.
J: love you too.

I packed a bag and grabbed my make up bag. I put it in the truck and got Sylo. I packed him up and got in the truck. That's when Kolbys truck pulled in. Brantley got out and tried to stop me.

J: I will run your ass over. Get out of the way.
B: baby just listen to me.

I rolled my eyes and yelled " MOVE ". He moved and I peeled out. When I got to Rans she grabbed my bags while I got Sylo. She took them inside and came back out while I let Sylo go to the bathroom.

M: spill it.
J: okay. I'm gonna tell you something you can not tell anyone. Not even Blake.
M: alright.
J: so we found I'm pregnant. We went to Becky's to tell her. After we told her Brantley and I went for a walk down by the pond. I heard a click and looked and saw Kolby. I dropped my shoes and ran to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and cried because I hadn't seen him in months. We went back to the house and Becky told us she had a boyfriend. Brantley flipped and yelled at her. He went outside a threw a fit. Kolby tried to calm him down. I went out and tried. I told him that if he didn't calm down I was leave him. He said ok. See ya at home. I told him not that kind of leave. I told him I won't let him hurt his momma. He didn't say anything so I went inside and got the truck keys. He wouldn't move out from the truck door. I told him to move or he would regret it. He told me I wouldn't hurt him on purpose so I kicked him in the nuts. Got in the truck and said if he didn't want to get ran over to move to the side. He rolled into the grass. I came home. Called you. Threw my bags in the truck and got Sylo. Kolby brought Brantley home and he tried to talk to me. I told him I would not hesitate to run him over right now. That's when I arrived here.
R: first OH MY GOD YOIR PREGNANT! Second. He's being an ass. He should give his mom bf a chance.
J: I know. I just needed to get away for the night so I didn't do anything I would regret. I also think my pregnancy hormones are in because I would have never done that to him.
R: lol he needs a taste of his own medicine. Let's go inside.
J: alright.

I signed to Sylo to follow me. He came running as fast as he could. None of the other dogs were there because they were at the groomers and on tour with Blake. I sat down on the couch and he tried to get on the couch. Ran lifted him up and he laid his head on my stomach.

R: do you think Sylo knows your pregnant?
J: I think so. He has never laid his head on my stomach only on my legs.
R; he's adorable.

We turned on a movie and when we finished it Ran said " lets go get some Smoothie King " " I'm game. " I put Sylo in his crate in my room and changed into a long sleeve shirt that said " bad bitch " with black leather boots. I went downstairs and saw Ran wear the same shirt. We took a selfie and I posted it on Twitter " Selfies and twinning with my fav girl. @MirandaLambert ". We got in the car and went to the mall.

We got smoothies and walked around. We went to a nail salon on got our nails done. We both got fake nails. Mine were different shades of blue Aztec design on my thumbs and white French tip on the others. Ran got camo French tip.

When our nails were done we left and went to Fuigi. We ate dinner then went home.

When we got home I let Sylo out and laid on the couch talking with Ran. We watched an episode of Duck Dynasty and ate ice cram.

J: I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed.
R: same.
J: night
R: night

I went upstairs and plugged my phone in because it died. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I changed into sweatpants and a tank top with fuzzy socks. I dried my hair and put it in a pony. I went back to the room and found Sylo asleep on the bed. I scooted him over and check my phone. Great. 120 texts & calls from Brantley. I turned on iTunes Radio and fell asleep.

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