Chapter 50:

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Jaclyn's POV:

The next day I woke up to Brantley walking around with Thomas. He was smiling and talking to him.

B: Hey little man. I'm your daddy. We are gonna go fishing together and hunt together.

He finally saw I was awake he came over and sat down next to me. He handed me Thomas. I held him close to my chest and laid back.

B: How are you feeling?

J: Like shit. I am never having kids again unless I have them by C-Section.

B: Okay.

He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head.

B got up and sat in the chair next to my bed. I reclined the bed back and laid Thomas next to me. I laid on my side and put my arm around Thomas. My eyes got heavy very fast.

Brantley's POV:

Jaclyn and Thomas passed out so I took a picture of them and posted it on Twitter, " BG Nation. Welcome Thomas Keith Gilbert 5/30/15 ". I stepped out to call momma.

MB: hey baby. How's Jaclyn and the baby?

B: good. They are sleeping right now. Jaclyn said she's never having kids again unless she has them by c-section.

MB: (laughs) okay.

B: could you bring Aeri up in an hour or so. I want her to meet Thomas.

MB: that's fine. I can drop her off.

B: okay. Thanks.

I hung up and grabbed my bag. I rubbed Jaclyns shoulder.

B: hey babe.

J: yeah?

B: I'm going to go take a shower.

J: alright.

B: moms bringing Aeri up in about an hour.

J: okay. When you get back will you help me shower?

B: of course.

I kissed her head and left.

I went into the waiting room locker room and showered. I changed into jeans, a v-neck and my boots. I grabbed my dirty clothes and headed back to the room.

When I got in there Jaclyn was asleep with Thomas in her arms. I packed my stuff back up and went over to the bed. I scoped up Thomas. He fussed for a second but I got him back to sleep. I laid him down and squatted next to the bed and rubbed her arm.

B: Hey babe.

J: Yeah?

B: I'm back. You ready to shower?

J: Yeah. I need help getting in there.

B: Alright.

I helped her sit up on the edge of the bed. I pulled her to her feet and wrapped her in a hug. I held her tight and kissed her head. I rubbed her back and helped her to the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the tub. I grabbed her bag and brought it into the bathroom.

B: What do you want to change into?

J: Comfy clothes.

B: Tank top?

J: Yeah.

B: Sweat pants, yoga pants, shorts?

J: Sweat pants.

B: What bra and underwear?

J: Nursing bra. What under wear do I have?

I pulled out all of the ones she had in there and she picked one. I get everything set out and helped her get in. I went back into the room and got Thomas. I sat down in the recliner with Thomas on my chest.

30 minutes later

I heard the shower shut off so I laid Thomas down and helped her out. She got dried off and got dressed. When she was done I could tell she was in pain. I wrapped her in a hug and kissed her head. I rubbed her back and grabbed her stuff. I went and put it in the bag and helped her back in the bed. I elevated the bed so she could sit up. She sat with her legs crossed. Thomas got fussy so I handed her him. She wants to breast feed Thomas. Nothing is better then seeing my wife feed my son.

When she was done I called mom

MB: Hey baby

B: Are you all here?

MB: Yeah. Downstairs.

B: Okay. I will be down in a few minutes.

I hung up and went downstairs. As soon as I saw Aeri a smile crept across my face. She ran straight to me and wrapped her arms around me. I picked her up and thanked mom.

When I got to the room Aeri jumped out of my arms and ran to Jaclyn. She picked up Aeri and held her tight.

After Jaclyn had held Aeri she got her to sit in her lap with a pillow infront of her. I got Thomas and laid him on the pillow. Aeri smiled and rubbed his stomach. I laughed and looked at Jaclyn. She was smiling. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of them. I smiled and sent the picture to momma.

I put my phone on the counter and sat infront of Aeri.

B: Aeri

A: yes

B: this is your baby brother Thomas.

A: he's cute.

We both laugh at Aeri. Thomas starts to get fussy and Aeri freaks out. I picked up Thomas and rocked him while Jaclyn calmed Aeri down.

When Aeri was calmed down I texted mom and asked her to come get her.

10 minutes later.

Mom came walking in and smiled.

B: you wanna hold him before you go?

MB: of course!

She sat down and I hand him to her. I sat down on the bed with Jaclyn. She laid her head on my shoulder and rubbed my thigh. Aeri came over and crawled in my lap.

10 minutes later

Jaclyn was passed out in my lap. Aeri was asleep at the foot of the bed. Momma gave me Thomas and gave me a hug. She kissed my cheek and grabbed Aeri and left. I laid Thomas down in his bed and laid down next to my beautiful wife.

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