Chapter 54

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Jaclyn's POV:

It's been two weeks since I got diagnosed with PPD. They are getting to slowly stop taking the mess. I take them twice a week now. Today Brantley has to go to the studio so the kids and I are hanging with Jessica and Kolby.

After we dropped off B we headed over to Kolby and Jessica's.

When we pulled in Jessica came out and got Aeri. I got out and grabbed Thomas and the diaper bag. I was about to walk up the stairs when Kolby took Thomas so I could walk because I'm still recovering from having him. He helped me the stairs and inside. I sat down on the couch next to Jessica. Kolby put Thomas next to me and sat next to Jessica and took Aeri.

I made his bottle and fed him while we talked. Kolby had Aeri laying on his chest passed out. It was funny. Jess took a picture with my phone. I burped Thomas and handed him to Kolby. He laid Thomas on the other side of his chest. They both were asleep. I took a picture of them. I picked Aeri up and laid her down in the guest room. Kolby was almost asleep with Thomas on his chest.

Jess: he didn't sleep too well last night.
J: poor guy

We went into the kitchen and sat at the bar. I got a soda and she got a glass of water. We talked until I heard a load sound from upstairs. Jess went running up and I was right behind her going as fast as I could. Aeri fell out of bed. Jess was sitting on the floor holding her. When she saw me come in she ran straight to me. I sat and held her.

J: let me see your head Aeri.

She lifted her head up. She busted her lip and her forehead.

I mumbled under my breathe " shit ".

J: Jess will you get a wash cloth. We need to go to the hospital.

She grabbed one and tossed it to me. I picked up Aeri and carried her downstairs while applying pressure to her forehead.

J: Kolby get up.
K: what?
J: Aeri fell out of bed and busted her forehead and lip. We need to go to the hospital.

He got up and put Thomas in his seat. We got out to the car. I sat next to Aeri while Kolby drove. When we got to the hospital there was already a medic waiting. I handed Aeri to them and they took her back. Kolby and Jess had Thomas so I followed the medics. I sat down in a room while they looked at Aeri.

D: She needs a stitch on her forehead. That's it. Her lip will heal by itself. Put some ice on it for swelling.

They had me hold her while the did her stitch. She cried and it broke my heart. They gave her a sucker and sticker. I had her legs wrapped around my waist and her head on my shoulder. I walked out to the waiting room. I saw Kolby and he jumped up and came straight to me.

K: what did they say?
J: She only needed a stitch on her forehead. The doctor said her lip will heal on it's own. Ice for swelling.

Jess was bouncing Thomas because he was almost asleep. I handed Aeri to Kolby and took Thomas from Jess. He put his head in the crook of my neck and fell asleep. I put him in his seat and took Aeri back from Kolby. Kolby got Thomas and we headed back to the truck. Aeri was crying when we started driving.

J: Honey. What's wrong?
A: I want daddy. He makes my booboos better.
J: Alright. Let's go see daddy.

Kolby started driving to the studio. Aeri passed out so I got out and carried her in. She had her head on my shoulder and her legs around my waist. Jess was carrying Thomas's carrier. Kolby opened all the doors and helped us in. I scanned my pass to get into the studio. When we got in there Brantley was recording a song. Kolby and Jess sat down with Thomas. I stood and waited. When he came out his face lit up. When mine didn't light up his smile melted away. I walked straight to him and laid my head on his chest.

Kolby's POV:

When B came out he looked at me and mouthed " What happened? ". I pointed to my forehead and lip then mouthed " Aeri ".

Jaclyn's POV:

He pulled me back and said

B: wow. What's wrong? What happened?

I turned so he could see Aeri's face. The side of her face were she hit her forehead and lip was bruised and swollen. He turned me around and asked

B: what happened?
J: she was asleep in the guest room and Jess and Kolbys. We were downstairs when we heard a thud. Went running up and she was on the ground crying with blood all over her face. I'm a horrible mother. I let my baby fall off the bed.

Brantleys POV:

I wrapped her in a hug and whispered to her

B: baby. You are not a horrible mother. You are the best mother ever. You just had Thomas a few weeks ago and are taking care of both of them on your own while I'm at the studio. You are an amazing woman, mother, and wife. Shit like this happens. How do you think Kolby has the scar on his forehead? He fell off the couch and hit the coffee table. It will be fine.

I gave her a kiss and wiped her tears away.

B: all better?
J: all better.

I wrapped her in a hug and took Aeri because she was now awake. She was crying horribly.

B: Aeri look at me.

She lifted her head up.

B: it's gonna be okay. You wanna go home and lay down?
A: yeah
B: okay. Your gonna ride home with mommy, aunt jess, and uncle Kolby. Uncle Ben is gonna take me home. Okay?
A: okay.

She laid her head on my chest and grabbed fist fulls of my shirt. We stood in there for a while.

When Aeri was asleep I handed her to Kolby. They left so I finished up a few things and then we left.

After Ben dropped me off I made some popcorn and put Aeris favourite movie in. I grabbed some of her comfy clothes and laid them on the couch along with a huge blanket.

I heard them pull up so I went outside to help Jaclyn get them in. Thomas was screaming so she took him straight upstairs. I got Aeri and took her inside. When she saw the stuff she got really happy. I helped her get dressed and we got ready for the movie. I sat down on the couch and she crawled up in my lap. I covered us up and started the movie.

Half way through the movie

I looked down and Aeri was passed out. I went in the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack. I laid her ice pack down then the side of her face that's swollen. I covered her up and went downstairs to clean up.

After I cleaned up I went upstairs and checked on Thomas. He was asleep in Jaclyn's arms. I smiled and took him from her and laid him down. I squatted in front of her and rubbed her leg.

B: hey baby. Let's go to bed.
J: I don't wanna.
B: come on.

I picked her up and carried her to the room. I laid her down on the bed and changed.

After I changed she was passed out on the bed. I took her jeans off and scooted her to her side. I crawled in and covered us up. She moved back towards me and went to sleep.

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