Chapter 6

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Brantley's POV:
I woke up with my arms wrapped around Jaclyns stomach. I nuzzles into her neck and kissed her neck to wake her up. She moved around before getting up and going to the bathroom. I got dressed and went I'm the kitchen. I made us coffees and sat down with mine. Jaclyn grabbed hers and sat next to me with her feet on my lap. We have 12 hours till we reach the Canada boarder. So I went into the living room to let her sleep. She hasn't been feeling good lately.

Jaclyns POV:

I woke up and was sick to my stomach. Shit. I got my period. I went into the bathroom and did all that jazz. When j was about to leave the bathroom I got sick. I walked back out after brushing my teeth. I changed into sweats and one of Brantley's sweatshirts with just a sports bra on under it. I went and curled up next to Brantley.
B: you okay darlin?
J: I got my fucking period. When I'm on my period I get sick to my stomach easily.
B: come here.

He pulled closer and grabbed my hand. We intertwined fingers. We sat and talked till we got to the Canada border. We went to the front to see the line. There were still 25 plus cars infront of us. Brantley was leaning near the windshield by the stairs and I was leaning on him. The bus driver took a picture of us. I posted it on Insta and Twitter saying " Let us in damn it! @BrantleyGilbert ". I went to the bathroom and freshened up. I went back to the front because an officer was here to check our bus. He had to Pat us down and check the whole bus. I stood next to Brantley pissed and he knew it. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and head to pull my in closer. He kissed my head and said " deep breathe baby ". The officer was finally done and let our bus cross. We finally got the venue. I changed into skinny jeans and a tank top. I put on my Vans and curled my hair. I went out to find Brantley ready to go to sound check. We intertwined fingers and walked to sound check. I sat on the side with Justin and watched. 


Brantley, Justin, and I went to back to the bus and chilled till the show. We walked and watched Justin perform. When he got done he changed shirts and sat next to me. I gave Brantley a kiss and he went running on. Tonight is the first night he's gonna try and do a back flip since he hurt his back. He went rising up. I clenched on Justins leg and squeezed it really hard waiting for him to flip. When he landed fine I released my held breathe ad let go of Justin. He patted my back and we finished watching. He was on his last song, so I went to the dressing room and got a bottle of water. I took ibprofen and Justin came running in. 
JUSTIN: Brantley fell and passed out.

I dropped my water and went runnin out. The whole band had gotten off stage. I sprinted to where he was. I took his mic out of his hand and started slapping his checks. Someone gave me a water. I felt his forehead and he was hot. I put it on his forehead. 
JACLYN: Come on Brantley. Wake up baby. 

I kept smacking I kept smacking his face. Justin was waiting for the medics to get here. He finally woke up. 

JACLYN: Brantley baby.
B: What happened?
JACLYN: You were on your last song and fell and passed out. You need to drink this water. 

I poured some into his mouth waiting for the medics. They came on and started asking him questions. He could sit up by himself and had no pain. They said he probably passed out because of the heat. One of the medics pulled me to the side. 

MEDIC: So he needs to drink more water.
J: Okay.
MEDIC: You need to keep an eye on him. He needs to take it easy for about a week. His back hasn't fully healed. He needs to lay off the flips for atleast 2 more weeks.
J: Alright. Is there anything we can do for his back?
MEDIC: He can do differnt excerises
J: Alright. Thank you.

I stayed where I was while the medics talked to him. He shook their hands and they left. I leaned over the makeup table and put my hands on my face. I sighed and stood up. 

J: Let's get you back to the bus so you can rest.
B: But.
J: Don't argue with me! The medics said you need to take it easy.
B: Fine.

I grabbed my stuff and headed to the bus while Justin and Brantley talked.  I went on the bus and got him a bottle of water and fruit. I set that next to the bed with ibeprofen. I went and got in the shower. I put on shorts and one of his sweatshirts. I straightened my hair and went to the bed room. He was eatting the fruit. I curled up next to Brantley and explained to him what the medics. He took the ibeprofen and laid back. I curled up next to him watching TV. He played with my hair till I fell asleep. 

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