Chapter 25

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Brantley's POV:

I woke to a snoring Jaclyn in bed. I smiled and got up to go to the bathroom.when I came back on she was waking up.

B: good mornin babe.
J: good mornin.

I gave her a kiss and helped her up. She stood up and wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped mine around her and laid my head on top of hers. We stood there for a couple of minutes. I pulled away and got on my knees. I lifted up her shirt and kissed her stomach.

B: Good mornin baby girl.

I got back up and sat on the edge of the bed. Jaclyn stood infront of me. I had my hands on her belly.

B: what are we doing today?
J: shopping for the babies room.
B: alright. Let's get ready.

I got dressed and went downstairs. I made Jaclyn a bowl of fruit and I made me a shake. I heard Jaclyn yell my name so I went running upstairs.

B: what's wrong?
J: I need help.
B: with what.
J: getting my shoes on.

I grabbed her boots and slid them on her feet. I zipped them up and grabbed her hand. I pulled her closer to me. As close as she could with her belly in the way. I leaned in and gave her a kiss.

B: I love you.
J: I love you too.

I grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs. She sat at the counter and are her fruit. I drank my shake and watched her. She finished so I grabbed her bowl and put it in the sink. I helped her out to the truck and in. I shut her door and got in on my side. I drove to the store and we headed in. I pushed the cart around.

3 hours later

We picked out the paint and a crib and all that stuff.

J: why don't you call Blake and Luke. See if they wanna help you come paint.
B: fine.
J: or should I texted Caroline and Ran?
B: text.
J: fine.

Jaclyns POV:

I texted both of them in s group message.

J: Hey! Would Blake and Like be interested to help Brantley paint the babies room today?
C: yeah. He can come. What time?
J: well we are almost home so 30 mins?
R: Blake can come.
J: yall can come. We can hang out and organize baby stuff.
C: sounds good to me! The boys are at a friends house for the night.
R: we will be there in 30!
J: thanks guys!

J: they will be over in 30 mins.
B: alright. I'll take the stuff in and get ready.

30 mins later

Luke and Caroline showed up. Like was in basketball shorts and a cutoff with tennis shoes and a ball cap. He came over and gave me a hug. He went upstairs to go help B. Then Blake and Ran showed up. Blake was in old jeans and an old t shirt. He gave me a hug and asked how I and the baby were. I said good and he headed upstairs. The three girls went up to our room. We each had a bag and started pulling stuff out. We sorted stuff into toys, daytime clothes, pj's, and binkies and bottles. We went to the babies room and peaked in. The boys were all painting. I took a picture of all 3 of them. I posted it on Twitter and said " The babies room is getting painted today. Thanks to @LukeBryanOnline & @BlakeShelton ". We went downstairs and sat at the bar. We ate some fruit and waited for the boys to come down. 

20 minutes later

The boys came down and had paint on them. Each one of them went to their girls and gave them a kiss. 

J: How does it look?
B: Let's go see. It's about dry. 

We went upstairs and looked at the room. They did stripes of grey and purple. It looked realy good. They had also put the crib together and put the dresser together. We had a chair in there. I rubbed my belly and wrapped my arm around B. He kissed my head. 

J: It looks great. Thanks you guys.

I gave Luke a hug. He kissed my head and rubbed my back. I gave Blake a hug. He rubbed my back and said your welcome. They all left and so the boys could take a shower and change. They were coming back over for dinner. I laid my head against B and smiled. 

J: I'm ready for the baby to be here.
B: 2 weeks now baby. 
J: I know. I'm ready.

I changed into sweats and one of Brantley's hoodies. I sat down at the bar and got a sharp shooting pain through my stomach. My pants were wet.

B: What babe?
J: It's time. 

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