Chapter 45:

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Jaclyn's POV:

Today we head back home. I'm kinda glad to go home. I have loved it here but miss my baby girl.

B took all of our bags out to the car and we headed to the airport.

6 hours later

We finally got to the airport. When we were coming off I saw Kolby and Aeri the momma Becky. Aeri had a sign that " welcome home mommy and daddy ". I smiled and dropped my bags. She came running over and I picked her up. She laid her head on my shoulder and hugged me. Kolby grabbed the bags and moved them out of the way.

A: I missed you momma.
J: I missed you too baby girl.
A: where's daddy?
J: talking with mamaw and uncle Kolby.
A: I want daddy.

I walked over to where he was and he took her. She sat on his hip clung right to him. She laid her head on his chest. He kept talking to Kolby. I went over and talked to momma.

J: how was she?
MB: an angel.
J: good. No problems?
MB: none at all.

We went over to where the boys were. I took Aeri and we started heading to the truck. When we got there Brantley and Kolby loaded the bags up. I got Aeri in and climbed in the back with her. I sat in the center next to series car seat. Brantley got in on the the other side of me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his hand on the side of my stomach. Kolby got in the drivers side and Becky got in the passenger seat and we were off. Aeri was holding my hand and telling us about going on a four wheeler ride with uncle kolby and how papaw let her drive the tractor.

When she said papaw Brantley looked at her and asked

B: aeri. Who's papaw?
A: your daddy.
B: did Mamaw tell you that?
A: yeah. Mamaw invited him over.

Then she told us about going to the mall with Miranda. Then how she spent the night with Miranda and Blake. We finally pulled up to the house and got out. I got Aeri out and she ran to go play. I saw B take momma Becky to the side. I went to the back of the truck with Kolby. He handed me bags and I put them on the ground.

Brantleys POV:

I pulled momma to the side.

B: what the hell?
MB: What?
B: You let my dick of a father around Aeri!?
MB: yeah. He deserves to see his grandchild too.
B: not if I don't want him to!
MB: he still should.
B: I don't care if he should. He's not gonna.

I walked away and went over to Kolby.

B: take mom home now.
K: why?
B: I will tell you later. Just go.
K: alright.
B: thank you

I grabbed some bags and took them inside. I came back out and found Jaclyn with Aeri on her lap crying.

B: what happened?
A: ( in between sobs ) I fall down.
B: are you okay?
A: I hurt my knee.
B: show daddy.

She pulled her pants leg up and she was bleeding.

B: let me go get the ouchie stuff.

I went into the bathroom and got the first aid stuff. I came back out and cleaned her knee.

She laid her head on Jaclyns chest and played with her hair. I put the stuff up and laid my head on Jaclyns shoulder and put my hand on Aeris back and rubbed it. Jaclyn handed me Aeri and ran inside. I followed behind her and laid Aeri on the couch and turned cartoons on. I went to the bathroom and found her brushing her teeth.

B: babe?
J: what?
B: you okay?
J: yeah.
B: you sure?
J: yep.

I went back to where Aeri was. I squatted down in front of her and whispered

B: how about we take mommy out to eat? You can't tell her. It's a surprise.
A: yay!!!!

I laughed and picked her up. We went to our room and picked Jaclyn out an outfit. We went to Aeris room and got her changed. After she got dressed and went back to our room. Jaclyn came in and looked at me.

B: get dressed.
J: okay

We laid on the bed and watched cartoons until she was ready. When she came out Aeri said

A: prettyyyyyyyy
J: thank you.

I got up and gave Jaclyn a hug and kiss. I got Aeri and we left.

We went to a steak house and got settled. Aeri sat on my lap with her head on my chest. I rubbed her back and looked at the menu.

After we decided what we wanted the waiter came and took our order. I looked at Aeri and she was passed out. I laid my jacket down to where it was open and laid her inside of it. I closed it up to wrap her up. She laid next to me in the booth.

After we finished dinner we went home. I took Aeri to bed while Jaclyn got ready. When I went into our room Jaclyn was in shorts and a sports bra taking her make up off. She had a little baby bump and it was so cute. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her stomach resting my hands on her baby bump. I nuzzled my face into her neck and kissed it. She smiled and turned around. I kissed up and down her neck to her stomach. I picked her up and laid her on the bed.

Daddy's getting sugar tonight.

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