Chapter 61:

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Brantley's POV:

Jaclyn, the kids, and I are finally back home. Aeri and Thomas stayed with Luke and Caroline last night and today. Plus, Thomas is doing much better.

I was down stairs cleaning up after the kids and Jaclyn came down and rubbed her hands over my back. I stood up and wrapped her in a hug, kissed her head, and held her.

B: Hey baby
J: Hey babe
B: Whats up?
J: Let's go for a run.
B: Okay?
J:  The last time we went on a run together you thought I was gonna kill ya. We didn't have any kids, marriage wasn't a thought. We had just began dating.
B: I remember. You went into a gas station and got us smart waters.
J: Yep. Let's go for another one. We don't have kids today.
B: Alright. Go get dressed.

She smiled, kissed my cheek and went running upstairs. I finished cleaning then went up also.

When I got to the room she was tying her tennis shoes.

J: Come on!
B: Let me get dressed. (chuckled)

After I got dressed Jaclyn drug me downstairs. When we got to the park she automatically took off. I laughed to myself and ran after her.

1 hour later

After we finished our run, we got in the car and headed to Orange Leaf. When we got there I went to her side and helped her out. After getting inside we both grabbed bowls and started our frozen yogurts. Then we went to check out and I hip bumped her.

B: You got chocolate and orange?
J: Yes. It's my favorite.
B: you are so gross.
J: You love me.
B: You're right.

I laughed and gave her a kiss. After I paid, we walked around the shopping center outside. We talked for three hours then headed back to get the kids.

We pulled into Luke and Caroline's driveway and I saw Aeri running around with Caroline. I smiled and got out with Jaclyn.

When we got out Aeri finally saw us she smiled and ran to me. I smiled and swept her up.

B: Hey baby girl.
A: Hi daddy
B: Have you had fun with Aunt Carol?
A: Yeah. We went swimming, shopping, ate ice cream, slept, then played outside with Aunt Carol.
B: That sounds awesome!

Aeri nodded and laid her head on my shoulder.

B: Let's go find your brother.

I went up to the porch and sat down next to Caroline.

B: How were they?
C: They were good. Thomas was a little fussy last night. Nothing seemed to make him happy. I gave him some Tylenol and he laid with Luke in the recliner and was content. So needless to say they laid in the recliner for a couple hours.
B: Thank you for keeping them.
C: No problem. How are you and Jaclyn doing?
B: I don't know, we are touch and go. This morning we have been good,but yesterday we fought off and on. We ended up yelling and the kids walked in on it.

I looked at Aeri and she was passed out.

C: Luke and I have gone through rough patches. We sent the kids to Blake's house for a couple nights so we could yell, fight, and do whatever we needed without the kids being here. If you need the kids gone for a night just call me. I will come pick them up and keep them for a couple of days.
B: Thank you.

She took Aeri from me and swung on the porch swing with her. I went inside and found Thomas asleep on Jaclyn's chest. Luke was in the kitchen with Til.

L: Hey.
B: Hey. Hey Til.
T: Hey.
B: How have you been?
T: Good.

I smiled and patted his back to go see Jaclyn and Thomas. She was laying on the couch almost asleep.

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