Chapter 23

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Brantley's POV:

I woke up and heard vomiting. I got up and went into the bathroom. I pulled her hair back and rubbed her back. I got a wash cloth and got it wet. I sat down behind her and put it on the back of her neck. She leaned back and laid on my shoulder.

B: about 2 more weeks of this is was the doctor said.
J: I know. They also said this could happen through it the whole time.
B: just think. The outcome is gonna be 10x better.
J: I know.

I kissed her head and helped her up. I grabbed her cup for water and went downstairs. I filled it up with ice water and got a bottle of water. I went back up and handed her the cup. I got back in bed and laid down. Jaclyn curled up to the pillow with her cup of water in her hands. I crawled over and laid infront of her stomach. She now has a little bump because she is 3 months along. I reached up and lifted her shirt up and kissed her stomach. I started talking to the baby. I looked back up and she was passed out. I scooted back over and took the water out of her hands and put it on the table. I laid down and fell asleep too.

Few hours later

I woke up and Jaclyn was still asleep. I got up without waking her and went downstairs. I made breakfast and took it up to her in bed. I sat down and she scooted next to me I put my arm behind her while she ate.

J: are ya hungry?
B: No. I'm fine.
J: B. You need to eat. You didn't each much yesterday.
B: I know. I'm fine. I promise.

I kissed her head and watched her while she ate. Dang. How am I so lucky?

Jaclyns POV:

Brantley hasn't been eating and it's worrying me. I went downstairs and made some fruit for me and a salad for Brantley. I walked back up and handed him the salad.

B: I'm not hungry.
J: eat.
B: I'm not hungry babe.
B: okay.

He started eating. I put my fruit on the dresser and went into the closet. I grabbed shorts and a tank top. I rubbed lotion on my stomach to help with stretch marks. I put my clothes on and went back into to the bedroom. I grabbed my fruit and laid down in bed. I set my bowl on my baby bump and started eating. Brantley laughed at me.

J: what!?
B: you crack me up.

He took a picture of me and did something on his phone. I turned on the tv and found something to watch. My phone went off and I grabbed it. Brantley had tweeted " 👶 bump @jaclyntaylor ". I laughed and finished eating. I heard Sylo whine so I got up and walked downstairs. I put on tennis shoes and let him out. I walked around outside. I went down to the barn and started painting. I painted a music note that said " Daddies biggest fan ". I let it dry and took Sylo back inside and went downstairs to the work out area. I turned on music and walked on the treadmill. I heard B come down and he got on the treadmill next to me. I started to get dizzy and light headed. I slowed down my speed and looked at Brantley. He looked at me confused. I stopped the treadmill and carefully sat down. Brantley jumped off his after it stopped and came over to me. He put his arm around my back and slowly sat me back. I laid back and out my hands over my face. I took a deep breathe and blew it out. I did that a few times and rubbed my face. Brantley was sitting on the floor next to me. I looked at him and he had a worried look.

J: I'm fine.
B: no your not.
J: yes I am.
B: babe. You about passed out on the treadmill.
J: babe. I'm fine.
B: I'm taking you to the doctor now. Let's go get you dressed.

I sat up and he helped me up. We walked up to the room and I got dressed. I changed into jeans and a tank top with a leather jacket over it. I put on my boots and let my hair down. Brantley came over to me. I looked in his eyes and he was worried and sad. I laid my head on his chest. He kissed my head and hugged him. I looked up and he was wiping his eyes.

J: what's wrong?
B: I'm just really worried about you.
J: well I was really worried when you weren't eating because then if you didn't eat from then on out you could of fucking died! I would have to raise the baby by myself and it wouldn't have a dad! I don't want to think about that!
B: baby. I'm not going anywhere.

He wrapped me in a hug and we both cried. I dried my eyes and walked downstairs. I went and started the truck. I got in the passenger side and waited. He soon came out and locked up the house. He got in, buckled up, and pulled out. I curled my feet up and laid my head back. I had my hand on the centre counsel and Brantley out his over my hand and squeezed it.

When we arrived at the hospital. I got out and waited for B. He came over and wrapped his arm around my waist. When we got in there we were taken away immediately.

The doctor said it was normal and I was fine and so was the baby. Brantley sighed in relief and thanked the doctor. I got off the table and went over to Brantley. He still had his head down and his hand over his eyes. I stood infront of him until my bump hit his nose. I moved back and forth tapping his head with the baby bump. I grabbed his cheeks and lifted them up. I gave him a kiss and said

J: I'm fine and so is the baby.

He shook his head yeah and wrapped his arms around my waist. He had his ear up to my stomach. I felt him relax quickly. I pulled on his arm and wrapped my arms around his neck. I hugged him and we left.

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