Chapter 8

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Jaclyn's POV:
I woke up and had the worst cramps. I went to the bathroom and did all that gross stuff. I went back out and started a pot of coffee. While I waited on the coffee I started up the Xbox. I put in my favourite game. I got a cup of coffee and went and played.

Brantley's POV:
I woke up to Jaclyn screaming " SHIT! ". I threw on some sweatpants and went in to see what she was doing. She was playing video games. I sat next to her and laughed. After 20 minutes of watching I got a cup of coffee and an apple. I sat down right as she died. She threw the controller and looked at me pissed.

J: stupid fucking game.
B: (chuckles) it will be okay.
J: no.

20 minutes till Brantley goes on.

Jaclyns POV:

Tonight is Brantley's biggest show. He's so nervous.

J: look at me.
B: what
J: go out and have fun. Don't let the number of people distract you. I love you. I will be right here with Justin. If anything happens I will be right here.
B: alright. That made me feel better.

I rubbed his back till he had to go on. I kissed his shoulder and he went running out.

3 hours later

Brantley was almost done. He had one song left. So I went to his dressing room and chilled because I wasn't feeling good. On the way there I stepped in a hole and twisted my ankle. No one was with me so I limped to the dressing room and called service to bring a bag of ice. I was about to put it on when Brantley came in. This point I was on the verge of tears it hurt so bad. I set it down and flinched in pain. Brantley came running over and got on his knees beside me.

B: baby what happened?
J: I was coming here when you only had one song left and no one was with me. I twisted my ankle in a hole and had to walk back here. I called service to get me ice then you came in.
B: ...
J: babe I have never been in so much pain.
B: then we need to get you checked out.

I tried to stand up, and when I did that I fell back down and cried in pain. Brantley called in Justin because I was determined to walk out there. I wrapped on arm around Brantley's shoulders and one around Justin's shoulders. They helped me till I couldn't anymore. Justin stood with me till Brantley came back with a car. They got me in the car. I sat in the passenger seat with my foot propped up. Justin was behind me. I held his hand because every time we hit a bump it hurt my ankle so I squeezed his hand.

30 minutes later

We finally arrived at the hospital. Brantley just carried me in. He sat down and sat me in his lap. Justin went and told the nurse everything. She came over with a wheelchair and wheeled me back. She made Brantley and Justin stay back. They left me in the room by myself. I hit the nurse button. A nurse came in and asked what I needed.
J: I want my boyfriend in here.
N: I can't do that.
N: Mam you need to calm down.
J: just bring him in here and I will calm down.

Brantley's POV:
I heard Jaclyn screaming in the back.
All I could do was chuckle.

Justin: you know your gonna get drug in there in a minute
B: I know.

The nurse finally came back and asked me to come with her. I chuckled and followed. When I got in there she was laying on the bed. I pulled up a chair next to her and held her hand. I laid my head down on her hand and was almost asleep when the nurse came in saying they were ready to do x rays. I carried her in there and sat her down. I carried her back to the room. I sat her on the bed and went to sit in the chair till she pulled me in with her. I sat down on the bed and she sat on my lap. The doctor came in and said she didn't break anything but tore a muscle. She was out in a boot and has to do physical therapy. We hired a pt to come on tour with us to help with Jaclyn's ankle. 

When we got back to the bus I got her settled in bed with her foot propped up. I got her medicine and a bottle of water. I laid next to her while we watched a movie. She laid her head on my chest and fell asleep to me playing with her hair.

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