Chapter 16:

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Jaclyns POV:

When we got back to the arena we went to Tims bus and ate real quick before we went to the trucks and B's motorcycle.

T: you ready darlin?
J: Yep.

He handed me a bag of paints. I went to B's bike and painted away. Tim painted Justin's truck and one of the artist painted Brantley's truck.

1 hour later.

Brantley and Justin were both here. Tim pulled them out where we had the trucks and bikes parked. I stood to the side and watched. They came out and had their jaws dropped open. Tim stood next to me. We high fives and he wrapped me in a hug.

J: You assholes!
T: I think you both are assholes. You need to learn how to treat a purty lady like her.
B: she told you.
J: Yep.

I hugged Tim and went over to where Brantley was. His bike. I sat on it.

B: babe
J: watch.

I swiped my finger over the paint and it came off.

B: oh thank the good lord.
J: in still pissed at you.
B: I know. I'm sorry. I really screwed up.
J: yes you did. Go get ready you have 5 minutes till you go on.

He walked in and got dressed. I sat on the box I usually do. Tim and Justin were backstage in the dressings room. I was sitting there when I felt something stab my arm. I looked down and I had a big cut. I yelled for help and Mike, the body guard, came over. He applied pressure and took me to the ambulance that was there. They dressed it and said I needed to go to the hospital. I needed stitches.

J: Mike! You have to tell Brantley.
M: I will. I promise.

Mikes POV:

I went running back in and he was still on stage. He was about to start a new song when I ran out and grabbed his shoulder.

B: what's wrong?
M: Jaclyn was cut by someone and it's pretty deep. They just took her to the hospital for stitches.
B: shit

He dropped his mic and went running.

Brantley's POV:

Of course. When she's mad at me she gets hurt. I jumped in the truck and sped to the hospital.

FRONT DESK LADY: How may I help you?
B: my girlfriend was just rushed in here.
FDL: Name?
B: Jaclyn
FDL: yes. She just went into surgery.
B: okay. How long will it be?
FDL: 1 hour at the max. So 30 minutes left.
B: okay. Thank you

I went and sat down. I put my head in my hands and prayed to god.

B: (in his head) Please. Please. Please. I beg you. Don't take her. I can't live without her. I know we didn't end it on the best foot but I love her with my whole heart. Amen.

I sat up and waited.

DOCTOR: Family of Jaclyn Taylor?
B: Yes?
D: She just came out of surgery. It went well. She lost 1 pint of blood total. Which is really good because her cut was really deep.
B: Can I see her?
D: Yes. Follow me.

We walked back to where she was. The nurse was helping her get her shirt on. I walked in and she just looked at me. The doctor left. I grabbed her shoes and told the nurse " I can take it from here. Is she discharged? " " Yes sir. " " Thank you. ". She left and I went over to her.

B: I'm so sorry babe. Please forgive me. I thought I almost lost you again.
J: I forgive you.
B: I love you.
J: I love you too loser.

Jaclyn's POV:

He was squatted infront of me. He laughed and we kissed. He helped me get my shoes on and we headed out. I told the lady at the front desk goodbye and we left. We stopped at Smoothie King, Chick-fil-a, and the gas station to get me chocolate. When we got back to the bus I got out and grabbed my smoothie. I flipped my hair over to the other side waiting for Brantley. He got out and came to me. I kissed him and opened the door. We went in and sat down to eat. I slid my shoes off and went to the booth seats. I went to the corner seat and curled my legs up. Sylo came running in and kept trying to jump up but couldn't. Brantley laughed and lifted him up. He walked over to me and laid his head on my lap. I rubbed behind his ear where he loves to be rubbed. Brantley slid in next to me.

B: Dang. My dogs getting more love then me.
J: You just wait till we get to the bed room.
B: Oh. Daddy getting some sugar?
J: Maybe. If your lucky. Depends how I feel.

He leand over and kissed my neck up to my lips.

J: knock it off. I need to eat.
B: okay.

We ate and talked for a few hours. Sylo was asleep in my lap. I had my head on Brantley's shoulder. We held hands with my good one. I was almost asleep when Sylo snored. I jumped and Brantley laughed.

B: you ready to go to bed?
J: yeah.

He picked Sylo up and carried him to his kennel. I walked to the bathroom and got the first aid kit. I went into the bedroom and sat down. I pulled the stuff out and Brantley walked in.

J: B. Will you help me?
B: of course.

He grabbed a towel and put it behind my arm so he wouldn't get my shirt wet.

B: you might hate me after this. But remember I love you.
J: just hurry up.

He sprayed the rubbing alcohol on it. I yelled


I gripped the blanket with my other hand. He rubbed my leg and kissed the side of my head. He just some A&A ointment on it and bandaged it back up. He took the stuff back into the bathroom. I was changing when he came in. He pulled my tank top off slowly and we started kissing. I pushed him back to the recliner. I strattled his lap and kissed him. I tugged on the bottom of his shirt and he took it off. I kissed down his abs and ran my fingers over his tattoos. I kissed his neck up to his lips. Our lips moved in sync. I took his hat off and put it on while we were kissing. I ran my fingers through his hair still kissing. We stopped for a second and he laughed.

J: Whatcha laughing at?
B: you.
J: Why?
B: because your a dork. You look pretty sexy in my hat.
J: I'm your dork and thank ya.

I leaned down and started kissing him again. He had his arms wrapped around my waist. I had mine around his neck with my hands in his hair. I decided it was time to tease him. I started move forward and back. I could feel him start to get hard. I smiled into our kiss. He stopped and looked at me.

J: What?
B: You are so mean.
J: (laughs) Why would you say that?
B: You tease too much.
J: I love youuuuu.
B: I love you too.

Brantley's POV:

I decided it was time for me to take charge for a while. I put my hands under her butt. We kissed for a coupe minutes then I picked her up. She laughed/screamed. I sat her down on the recliner. I leaned down and started kissing her again. I got down on my knees infront of her. I kissed down her neck to her breasts. I started to suck on her breasts. She gasped and her head went back. I traced circles on her breasts with my tongue. I drew a line with my tongue back to her lips. We finally got done. I helped her get her tank top one since she is still in a cast. She gets it off tomorrow.

B: we better go to bed. You get your cast off in the morning.
J: fine.

I picked her up and carried her to bed. I laid her down and stripped to my boxers. I crawled in next to her. I wrapped my arm around her stomach. My chin was on her head. I kissed her head and said " goodnight darlin. " She said " goodnight Brantley. ".

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