Chapter 46

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Jaclyns POV:

It's been a week since we got back from vacation. Brantley still hasn't talked to his mom. I told him we are going on a road trip today. I didn't tell him where. We are going to his moms. I want to know why B doesn't want his dad around Aeri.

J: get dressed.
B: okay.

I was wearing skinny jeans with heels and a tank top with a leather jacket. My hair was in a high pony curled. I took Aeri to her room and got her dressed. I put a shirt on her that says " I'm a big sister " with jean leggings and tennis shoes. I brushed her hair and put it in a pony tail. We went back to our room and B was putting his chains on. I handed him his rings and we left.

When we got to momma beckys B got Aeri out. He set her down and she ran to Becky.

MB: hey baby girl.
A: grandma will you take my jacket off?
MB: yes darlin.

She took it off and read her shirt. Her eyes got big and she ran straight to me and hugged me.

J: yes. 3 months.
MB: congrats!!!!

She went over and hugged B. They stood there and hugged for awhile. I took Aeris jacket and put it in the truck. When I shut the door she pulled away and wiped her eyes. I picked Aeri up and said

J: go give daddy hugs.

She got down and ran to Brantley. She pulled on his shirt.

A: daddyyyyy
B: what baby?
A: up.

He picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. He smiled and hugged her back. I smiled and went over to him. He set Aeri down and wrapped his arms around me. I had mine around his stomach and his were near my head with his head resting on top of mine. I pulled my head back and leaned up to kiss him. When our lips met they were in sync for a couple kisses. We both pulled back and smiled.

B: I love you.
J: I love you too.
B: how did I get so damn lucky?
J: the real question is how I did I get so lucky?
B: you didn't really get lucky. I did. I found a woman that loves me unconditionally and encourages me to do anything.
J: I am the lucky one. I found a man that loves me no matter how much drama I have in my life. I found a man that loves me not just say they do you actually do. I couldn't me anymore thankful for that.

Brantley at this point had tears in his eyes. I wiped the tears away and kissed him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the front yard where a chair was. He sat down and I sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my belly and rested his hands on my bump. I kissed his head and grabbed his hat. I put it on and smiled at him.

J: I love youuuuu
B: I love you toooooo. Give me my hat back.
J: nope.
B: yes ma'am
J: no sir

I got up and ran. He soon caught up and swept me off my feet. I threw my head back as laughed. B cracked up laughing also. That was the first time in awhile he has smiled like this. It made me happy. He put me down and smiled down at me.

J: you know what?
B: what?
J: this is the first time since we got back from our honeymoon that you have truly laughed and smiled.

He kissed my forehead and intertwined our hands. We walked over to a bench and sat down. I put my legs across his and laid my head on his shoulder. Aeri came over and laid her head on my stomach and fell asleep. MB took a pic and sent me one and one she got of B and me when he had me in the air. I saved them and set the one of the three of us as my lock screen and the one of me and Brantley has my home screen.

One hour later

Aeri woke up and went inside to lay down. Brantley took her in so that when I asked MB.

J: why doesn't B like his dad?
MB: he was never that nice to him and not around a lot.
J: ohhhh

I went inside and found B asleep with Aeri. I curled up next to them and fell asleep too.

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