Chapter 55:

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Brantleys POV:

Aeri is all healed up. Today they took Jaclyn off her meds and said she doesn't have PPD anymore.

Today I'm doing a concert here in Nashville. Jaclyn and the kids are coming along with Miranda and Blake.

Jaclyn's POV:

I put Aeri in jeans and a t-shirt that says " Daddies # 1 fan ". I put her hair in pig tails and her tennis shoes on. I got Thomas dressed and got both of their head phones. I grabbed the bag for both of them and started loading them in the car. B is already there because he had to set up and do sound check. After I got Thomas in I put Aeri in and gave her the iPad to watch cartoons on because it's a 45 minute drive to the arena. We live outside of Nashville.

When we got there I saw Ran and Blake. When I saw Ran she smiled and came to the car. She got Aeri out and had her on her hip. I got Thomas and the bag. Blake walked up behind Ran and put his hand on her shoulder. Aeri put her arms up towards Blake and said

A: Uncle Blake! Uncle Blake!

He laughed and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and said

A: I missed you.
B: I missed you too.

Aeri clung onto his shirt. I laughed and got Thomas out. I was bouncing him when Aeri got down from Blake and came and hugged my leg.

J: let's go to the dressing room.

Blake carried Aeri while Ran grabbed the bag and I got Thomas. When we got to the dressing room Thomas asleep on his play mat and Aeri was asleep on the couch. Brantley came in a few minutes later.

J: hey baby.
B: hey. How have you been today?
J: good.
B: how have the kids been?
J: tired.

He kissed my head and gave me a hug.

R: so Blake and I have an announcement.
Blake: we are expecting our first child.

I covered my mouth and squealed. I ran to Miranda and gave her a huge hug!

J: oh my gosh! Congrats!
R: thank you.

Brantley gave Blake a hug then gave Ran one. We all stood around and talked until Thomas woke up. I went to go get him when Brantley stopped me and got him. 

He picked Thomas up and rocked him until he went back to sleep. His head was on Brantleys chest with a hand full of his shirt. Aeri soon woke up and went to Blake. She rubbed her eyes and said

A: (in a cute tired little kids voice) up?
Blake: of course baby girl.

He picked her up and held her.

It was time for B to go onstage. We got the kids settled with their head phones and went to the side. I gave B a kiss and he went running on. Thomas slept most of it. Ran had Aeri in her lap.

About half way through Brantley was getting tense. I could tell. His manager told me to go out there and give him a kiss or something.

The band looked at me and I cut them off.

B: what the hell?

He turned around and saw me. He smiled and walked over to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a long slow kiss.

J: relax babe. You're doing great.
B: thank you.

He gave me another kiss and I walked off stage.

After the concert

Ran and I took the kids back to the bus. Brantley came to the bus with a new shirt and showered. Blake and Ran had left so it was just us.

I ran to him and jumped wrapping my legs around his waist. He laughed and gave me a kiss. One thing led to another and we ended up in the back of the bus. 😏

Authors Note: I'm thinking about starting a Brett Eldredge fanfic. Whatcha think? 

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