Chapter 57:

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Jaclyn's POV:

We have been on tour for 1 month now with B and it's been great. Tonight Ben and Miranda are keeping the kids so B and I can go out to dinner and have some alone time.

All B will tell me is to dress nice. I found a skin tight black dress with red heels while shopping with Miranda (Bens gf). I put that on and started doing my make up. I loosely curled my hair and put in huge diamond studs.

I heard Thomas cry so I went into the bedroom to get him but found Brantley calming him down. He grabbed my hand and spun me around with his free hand.

B: Dammmmmmn.

I smiled and gave him a kiss. Once Thomas stopped crying I gave him a kiss and laid him down.

I went into the living room and Aeri was watching cartoons. Miranda and Ben were on the couch with her.

J: Aeri. Mom and dad are gonna go. Uncle Ben and Aunt Miranda are gonna stay here with you and Thomas. Okay?
A: okay
J: Uncle Ben is gonna order pizza and you guys are gonna have a movie night.
J: give me hugs and kisses.

I gave her hugs and kisses, then we left.

30 minutes later

We arrived at the restaurant. I got out and grabbed Brantleys hand and we walked in.

When we got to the table I sat down and placed my phone in my purse.

B: we need this. Don't worry about the kids.
J: I know. I always worry. You know that.
B: Give me your phone.
J: Fine

I handed my purse over to him. I picked up the menu and ordered dinner.


Brantley handed me my phone back. I checked it and had 10 missed calls from Miranda and texts. I stopped dead in my tracks and called her.

B: What's wrong?
J: ....
B: Babe.

I held a finger up and waited for Miranda to answer.

M: Hello?
J: Miranda. What's wrong?
M: It's Thomas. He was playing and started gasping for air. He stopped breathing. We are at the hospital. Get here soon.
J: Oh my god. We will be there soon.

I hung up and walked straight to the car.

B: Babe.
B: .....
J: I'm sorry. It's Thomas.
B: ...

We got in the car and sped to the hospital.

When we got there Brantley hadn't even put it into park when I jumped out and went running in. When I saw Miranda and Ben I almost lost it but didn't because Aeri was looking at me. I walked over to Ben ( he wasn't holding Aeri ) and wrappped my arms around him and cried.

Brantley's POV:

I parked the truck and went running in. I saw Miranda and then saw jaclyn crying on Ben's shoulder. I pulled Miranda to the side and asked

B: What the hell happned?
M: Thomas was playing and started gasping for air. He stopped breathing.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I walked over to Jaclyn and wrapped her in a hug. When I wrapped my arms around her she lost it and fell to the ground crying. I just sat there and held her. Aeri came walking over and sat on Jaclyn's lap. She laid her head on her chest and just laid there.

B: let's sit in the chair

I got her up and I sat in the chair. She sat on my lap with her head in the crock of my neck.

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