Chapter 17:

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Jaclyn's POV:

I woke up and Brantley was still asleep. I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom. I went pee and washed my face. I put on some make up and went back out. Brantley was now awake. He came over and wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest and stood there. He kissed my head and we kinda swayed back-n-forth. I finally pulled away and got dressed. Brantley helped me get my shirt on otherwise I got everything else on. He got dressed and went out to the kitchen area. I walked out and he had made my shake and heated him up a breakfast sandwhich. He handed me my shake and gave me a kiss. We got in the truck and headed to the doctors.

When we got there I checked in and got taken back right away. Brantley sat down in a chair while we watied for the doctor to come in. They pulled out the saw and that's when Brantley started video taping. He took my cast off and cleaned my skin. I put lotion on my arm because it was so dry. I did some simple movements. They did another x-ray and it was all good. They let me go because there was nothing else wrong or concerning them. When we got in the truck Brantley started it and did something on his phone. He put it down and started driving. My phone went off and he had posted the video of me getting my cast off and said " Guess who got their cast off this morning!? Let's get this tour back to normal! ". I smiled and put my phone down. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. He looked at me and smiled. We drove back to the buses. When we got there Brantley loaded the truck up while I started my lunch.

I grabbed a cutting board from the cabinet, a sharp knive, and some lunch meat. I cut some up into strips then into squares. I grabbed a bag of salad, shreaded cheese, and bacon bits from the fridge. I poured some salad into the bowl and sprinkled some cheese on top. I grabbed the honey mustard dressing and poured some on there then put the bacon bits on top. I put the stuff away and grabbed a forck. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. There was nothing on TV so I put on Disney Channel. It was Girl Meets World. Brantley walked in when I was laughing my ass off at a joke they made.

B: Are you really watching a show for little kids?
J: Yes. It's funny. Shut up.

He sat down next to me and watched with me. By the end of the episode he had been laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.

J: Awww. Did a little kid show make you cry?
B: No.
J: Then why do you have tears in your eyes?
B: Shut it.

He got up and went to the bedroom. I changed into athletic capris and a workout tank top. I put my hair in a pony tail and grabbed a head band. I went into the living room area and out on my tennis shoes.

B: whatcha doin babe?
J: I'm gonna go for a run. Wanna join?
B: sure.

He went and changed into basketball shorts and a cut off. He put his tennis shoes on and we headed out. We jogged around the town. We stopped a couple times for him to take pictures with fans. When we got about half way through Brantley fell on a park bench.

J: you okay babe?
B: no. I'm gonna die.
J: no your not.
B: how much have we ran?
J: only 1 mile.
B: holy shit. There's more!?
J: yes. Let's go get you a water.

We walked into this gas station and got 2 bottles of smart water and paid. I handed him one and we drank about half then started off again. We ended up running 3 miles. When we got back to the bus he sat on a cooler I front of the bus. I sat on his lap and said.

J: thanks for going for a run with me even if you think I tried it kill you.
B: anytime baby. I'm just not used to running long distances.
J: we will have to change that if you plan on keeping me around.
B: I plan on keeping ya around.
J: good.

He laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my head was on top of his. I took his hat off and put it on.

J: your head is nasty babe.
B: we'll I wonder why.
J: babe. Your so nasty. This hat stinks horribly.
B: (laughs) fine. I will wash it.
J: Good. It smells like death.

He laughed and picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder and he went on the bus. He laid me down on the bed and started kissing my neck. I pushed him away and said

J: nope. You got enough sugar last night.

I got up and grabbed clothes and took a shower. When I got out Brantley was asleep so I braided my hair really quick and curled up next to him.

20 minutes later

Brantley woke up.

J: hey babe.
B: hey.
J: you really should go take a shower. You didn't take one after we got back from running.
B: okay.

He got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I laid down and played on my phone. He came out and put on some basketball shorts. He sat down over my legs and rubbed my back. I locked my phone and laid my head to the side. He rubbed my back for 30 minutes then rubbed my shoulders.

B: damn babe.
J: what?!
B: you have lots of knots up here.
J: nice.

He kissed my shoulders and laid down next to me. I curled up to his chest and fell asleep.

Months later

Brantley's guitar player came and beat on the door. Brantley got up and talked to him. We were stopping at this hospital so he could do a concert for the sick little kids. I haven't felt right today. My stomach hurts and I feel like I could puke. I sat up and was up to puke. I pushed both of them out of the way and locked the door. I heard " what the hell " then Brantley started beating on the door.

B: babe. Let's me in!

I couldn't get up to unlock it because I was still puking. He finally unlocked the door and came in. He grabbed a hair tie and tied my hair back. I finally got done and brushed my teeth.

J: babe.
B: what?
J: do you remember last month when things went farther then a make out section.
B: yeah.
J: we didn't use protection. I could be pregnant....

Authors note: sorry for such a time skip in the middle of it. She's almost 20 in this and he's like 23 ish.

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