Chapter 62:

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Jaclyn's POV:

I woke up sicker than a dog. I spent 30 minutes in the bathroom.

Brantley's POV:

I woke up to the sound of Jaclyn vomiting in the bathroom. I went in, pulled her hair back, and I grabbed a wet cloth for her to wipe her mouth with. When she was done I handed her the rag and she stood up. I stood up and rubbed her back.

B: You ok?
J: yeah

She re-did her ponytail and went into the closet. She came out in athletic shorts and a tank top.

J: I'm gonna go for a walk. Wanna join?
B: Of course.

After I changed and got the kids ready. We got on the ATV and drove down near the lake, got out, and got the kids out. I grabbed her hand and we started walking. We walked to the dock and sat down on the edge. The kids sat down next to us and played with each other.

After awhile we all had our feet hanging off the edge of the dock. A few minutes later I leaned back and pushed Jaclyn into the water. She came up screaming.

J: You jerk
A: Daddy! That wasn't nice.
D: It's funny
T: that wasn't nice. Say sorry to mommy
B: (laughing) Sorry babe

I reached down and grabbed her hand to help her up. She grabbed it and yanked me in. I came up laughing and kissed her head. The kids were laughing so hard they fell back.

J: Was that funny?
T&A: yeah

I chuckled and got out. I helped Jaclyn out and took my shirt off to ring it out. After we rung our clothes out we headed back to the house.

When we got back I asked the kids if they wanted to go swimming. They jumped up and down screaming. Jaclyn and I laughed and took turns changing. I changed first while she started getting the kids dressed. I finished Aeri up while she went and changed. She came out in Daisy Dukes and a cut off tank top. I grabbed her hand and twirled her around.

B: Damn babe

She smiled and gave me a kiss. I opened up the bag while she put stuff in there.

Jaclyn's POV:

I texted Carol and Luke and invited them over to come hang out and swim.

When we got to the lake and got settled Luke and Carol came rolling up in the other ATV.

C: Hey y'all.
J: Hey!

I walked over and gave her a hug. B was talking to Luke.

C: come over here you little stinkers. Aunt Carol hasn't seen you in 2 whole weeks.

The kids came over and basically body slammed her. She busted up laughing and hugged them.

L: Hey guys!

He picked them up and hugged them. They got down and came back over to us.

J: Wanna get in?
A: Yeah

Carol and I slipped our stuff off and she got in. I held Aeri and Thomas down to her and got in.

We all were swimming around when B and Luke got in. We swam around for a few hours then the kids started to get tired. Luke and B got the rafts out of the mini barn down there and blew them up. I laid back on one and Thomas laid his head on my shoulder and passed out. Aeri did the same with Carol. We floated around till it was about 5. The boys helped us get the kids out and loaded up.

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