Chapter 56:

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Brantleys POV:

Today I leave for a summer tour. Jaclyn and the kids are gonna join in about 1 and 1/2 months. It makes me sad they won't be there but I have to do what's best for the family.

B: Babe! The bus is here.

Aeri came running in crying. I picked her up and knew what was wrong. She wrapped her arms around my neck and said " daddy please don't go ". Her voice kept breaking. It broke my heart.

B: aeri. You and mommy and your brother will come stay on the bus with me in a little bit. Okay?
A: okay

I hugged her and saw Jaclyn coming down with Thomas.

I sat her down and wrapped my arms around her.

J: I'm gonna miss you
B: I'm gonna miss you too.
J: FaceTime everyday.
B: I will.

I gave her a long and slow passionate kiss before I headed to the bus. When I got on the steps I looked at them and waved bye. I shut the door and got on. I went to the back and watched as we pulled away. Jaclyn was holding aeri back. Aeri was sitting on her legs crying. That's when I lost it.

I closed the curtains and sat on the bed.

Jaclyn's POV:
Aeri tried to run after the bus. I held her back while she cried. I sat down next to her and pulled her into my lap.

J: Aeri. It's gonna be okay.
A: I want daddy.
J: I know. We will see him after we visit grandma Becky.

She laid her head on my lap and cried herself to sleep. Thomas had already fallen asleep on my shoulder. I felt my phone vibrate so I checked it and saw it was Brantley.

B: Is Aeri better? It broke my heart seeing her cry so hard. I lost it and cried.
J: She is asleep now so is Thomas. They will be ok.
B: I know. Watching her cry and not being able to hold her was the hardest thing ever.

I decided to just call him.

B: Hello?
J: Are you okay?
B: Honestly no. I just want to turn back around and hold Aeri. I wanna rock her the chair while we watch her favorite show.
J: Babe. She's okay and will be. Yeah she's sad you aren't here but one day will understand why.
B: I know.
J: I love you.
B: I love you too.
J: I'm gonna go lay the kids down. I will call you later.
B: alright. Bye.
J: Bye.

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I woke Aeri up to go inside.

J: Aeri. Let's go inside.
A: I want daddy.
J: I know baby. Let's go lay in mommys bed.
A: okay

We went inside to go lay down. I put Thomas's pack and play in our room and laid him down. Aeri and I crawled into bed and laid down.

Brantley's POV:

I went to the bus driver and told him to go back to my house. He didn't argue and went back. I'm getting my family back.

Jaclyn's POV:

Thomas was asleep and so was Aeri. I laid my head down and fell asleep.

20 minutes later

I woke up to someones arms around my waist. I slowly turned around and saw B.

J: what the hell are you doing here?!
B: I came to get my family back.
J: What are you talking about?
B: You guys are coming with me.
J: then let's pack.

We slowly got up and started packing. B went and packed Aeris clothes while I packed my stuff. I finished packing Aeris stuff and helped Brantley pack for Thomas. We loaded all the stuff up. The driver came in and helped break down the pack and play. He grabbed that and Thomas's seat. I laid Aeri down in her bed. The driver and I set up Thomas's bed while Brantley held him.

Once it was set up he laid Thomas down. We went to our room and crawled into bed. I sat between his legs sideways so I could see him. He wrapped his arms around my and kissed my head.

J: I love you.
B: I love you too.

Brantley's POV:

I got my wife in my arms and my kids back. I got them back.

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