Chapter 3

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Jaclyn's POV:
I sat there with Justin watching Brantley. We took selfies, laughed out asses off, then Brantley fell..... We were laughing till he didn't get up. They closed the curtains and we went running out.
J: Brantley. Are you okay?
B: My back hurts.
Justin: Lets try and sit you up.

We both grabbed a side and sat him up. He sat there with tears in his eyes because he was in pain. I sat next to him and pulled him into a hug. He laid his head on my shoulder and cried. I have never seen this side of him.

Justin: (whispers in Jaclyns other ear) he never cries. He's in pain. We need to get him to the hospital.
J: Brantley.

He didn't look up.

J: Brantley. Baby. Look at me.

He looked up.

J: We need to get you checked out. Okay?
B: Alright.
J: Justin and I are gonna get you up. Okay?
B: Alright.

We both got him up to his feet. I wrapped my arm around his back and he wrapped his arm on my shoulders and did the same to Justin on his other side.

J: Anyone have a car that's not jacked up?
Justin: yeah. Let me go get it.

J: Brantley. Look at me.
B: What?
J: I'm not gonna leave your side. Okay. I love you.....
B: I love you too....

He kissed me then Justin pulled up.

Justin: come on love birds.

We both laughed and God Brantley in the car. Justin drove while Brantley's seat was reclined basically into my lap. It was a 45 minute ride to the hospital. I had one of arms on his chest so he could hold my hand and had one on his shoulder. Every time we hit a bump he flinched in pain. I held his hand tight and kissed his head. " Brantley look at me. We are almost there. Don't tense up. It will make it hurt even more. ". I kissed his forehead and looked at Justin. He was doing 60 in a 45 area. " Justin slow down. " " Fine. ". We finally got to the hospital. I slowly lowered his seat up. Just stayed in the drivers seat so Brantley had someone on that side. While Justin got his stuff ready Brantley had his feet out of the car.
J: Brantley. Do you think you can walk in?
B: I don't know.
J: do we need to get a wheelchair to bring you in with?
B: let me try then we will see.
J: alright.

Justin and I got on both sides and got him up. He walked about half way then made Justin go get a wheelchair. He came out with one and we got him settled in. We wheeled him inside and went to the waiting room. I sat in a chair next to him holding his hand. " Every thing is gonna be alright. ". Justin came back over and said they will take him back in 5.

5 minutes later

A nurse said " Brantley Gilbert? ". Brantley raised his hand. The nurse came over and said one person could come back. He looked at me and said " jaclyn. ". I followed them back and sat on the couch in the room. The doctor came in and asked what happened. Brantley told him the whole story then the doctor said he needed an x-Ray. They wheeled him back and asked me to stay back in the room. They brought him back and got him on the bed. I was sitting on the couch when he asked me to come sit with him.

15 minutes later

Doctor: so we have the results. Nothing is wrong. No cracked bones. Pulled muscles. You just seem sore. Go home and relax in a hot bath. I'm pretty sure your girlfriend would give you a back rub if you asked.
B: yeah.
I kissed his head and got up. We walked out and to where Justin was. We walked to the car while telling him everything. We got back to the bus and saw that the whole crew was outside the bus waiting for Brantley. It was awesome. They were so worried about him. I helped him get out and we walked over to all guys and told them everything.

1 hour later

All the guys finally went to their bus. I went into the bathroom and drew him a hot bath then went into the living room. When he came out I stood up and went over to him.

B: What's wrong?
J: I have to go home.
B: why?
J: I have school tomorrow afternoon.
B: (he gets teary eyed) I don't want you to go.
J: me too.

I hugged him and cried. He held me tight then I stood back.

J: my classes are online!
B: I want you to stay with me. I really like you. Will you please be my girlfriend?
J: Of course.

I leaned up and kissed him. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the truck. He kissed me good bye till the morning. He would then drive out in the morning to get me. When I got in my truck I saw Brantley take a picture.

Brantley's POV:

While Jaclyn was pulling away I took a pic and posted it on my snapchat story " I hate this feeling. ". I went and changed into sweats and a tank top. I sat on the couch waiting for her to call that she was home.

2 hours later.

I heard my phone ring so I answered.

B: hello?
J: hey baby. Did I wake you?
B: no. I was waiting for you to call.
J: alright. I'm home. I'm going to bed.
B: alright. Goodnight baby.
J: night Brantley.

We hung up and went to sleep.

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