Chapter 24

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Jaclyns POV:

So today is Monday. B has wanted a big back piece so his friend is coming over and doing it today. I was about to start making me something to eat when Brantley told me to go sit down. I went to sit down but that's when his friend arrived. I went and let him in. I sat down and put my feet up. B came in and handed me my fruit and sat down. He took his shirt off and got ready. I sat infront of him. I held his hand the whole time. Not because he wanted to but I wanted to. When I sat there he bent over and rested his head on my belly. The guy was finally done. B got up and was pretty sore. He turned and looked in the mirror. It was amazing. He fell in love and thanked his friend. I went into our room and laid down. B came in and asked me to rub some lotion on it.

J: I don't want to hurt you though.
B: it's fine.

I sat up and crossed my legs. He laid down infront of me on his stomach. I put some lotion on my hands and slowly rubbed it in. I felt him tense up.

J: I'm sorry.
B: it's fine baby.

He sat up and gave me a kiss. I leaned back against the pillows and stretched my feet out. B laid his head on my legs since he can't lay in his back. I fell asleep.

Brantley's POV:

I woke up around 3 and went downstairs. I got on the computer and started planning stuff for the next tour. The next tour is when the baby is gonna be 4 months we decided they are gonna come on the road with me. I was planning out a design for the stage that I like when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked behind me and it was Jaclyn. She had tears in her eyes.

B: hey. What's wrong?
J: I'm ugly.
B: no your not.
J: I'm fat and ugly.
B: babe. You're not fat and ugly. I don't ever want to hear you say that.

I wrapped her in a hug and let her cry. She sat on the stool next to me and watched. I got down and popped some popcorn. I set the bag down and we both shared it. We both decided a good plan for the stage was to have it as an " I " set up. Jaclyn has an apt at 5.

B: we gotta get ready to go to the doctors.
J: okay.

We went up and got dressed. I put on my norm, jeans and a black t shirt. Jaclyn put on jeans and one of my t shirts. She grabbed a hoodie and we headed out.

When we got to the doctor I helped her on the exam table. I sat down next to her and laid my head on the edge of the table so I could see the screen.

D: do yall want to know the gender?
J: yes
D: it's a............... girl
J: thank you.

She cleaned the gel off and left to go print the pictures. She sat up and looked at me teary eyed.

J: we are gonna have a baby girl.
B: I know.

I gave her a kiss. We both had tears in our eyes. I wiped mine and wiped hers. I gave her a kiss and we waited for the doctor to come back with the pictures. She handed them to us and we left.

Jaclyn's POV:

When we got out of the doctors office we went home. I texted Ran and said to come pick me up.

J: hey. Come get me. We need to go shopping.
R: alright. Be there in 10 mins.

Ran came in and B looked confused.

J: we are going shopping. She's got a party to shop for.

Ran looked at me and I gave her a look. She agreed and we left.

R: what the hell?
J: we are having a girl. I want to go shopping but B doesn't like shopping.
R: alright. Let's go.

We went to Baby's R Us. I found a onesie that says " daddies little angel. " and " you think I'm cute? Check out my mom. ". We bought stuff and stored it at Rans. I got a little gift bag and put in a toy pit bull puppy and the daddies little angel onesie. I took that and some of the clothes. He was laying on his stomach on the bed. Her saw me and sat up. I put my bag and put it in the closet. I handed him the bag and he just looked at me.

J: just open it.

He opened it and saw the onesie. His face lit up and he smiled. He grabbed the toy dog and chuckled.

B: that's adorable.
J: oh honey. I got more.

I handed him a bag and his eyes got big. He pulled out the one that says " you think I'm cute? Check out my mom. ". He busted up laughing. I chuckled and patted his leg. He pulled out some girlie outfits. Then he pulled out the camo one that said " Future Hunter " with guns under it. He laughed and put it all back in the bag. He set it on the floor and leaned over to me.

J: you realize the baby will be here in 2 months. We need to decorate her room.
B: I know.
J: not a lot of pink. That's all I have to say.
B: I agree.

She grabbed her iPad and we started planning stuff.

3 hours later

We finished planning for awhile. She put her iPad on the charger and laid down. I laid on my side and looked at her.

B: So my manager wants me to do a couple shows before the baby is born. The first one would be in week and then the next day. They would 30 minutes away from here.
J: I'm fine with it.

I gave her a kiss and she curled up to her body pillow. I laid on my stomach and watched her sleep. I'm so freaking lucky.

Then I realized how hard girls have it.

They change their last name for you
Have your kids
Change their bodies
Have periods

They have it worse.

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