Chapter 28:

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Jaclyns POV:

Aeri is now a couple weeks old. Brantley has been sleeping lightly. When she cries he is usually the first one awake. We decided I'm not gonna breast feed.

I was downstairs cooking lunch when B came in with Aeri. I was making salads. He had her on his shoulder. I gave him a kiss and cut up the meat. I put it in two bowls and grabbed the toppings. He laid Aeri down in the pack and play. I handed him his bowl of salad and we sat on the couch. I put my legs in his lap and ate my salad. We are both eating clean and healthy since I had Aeri. I have lost 20 pounds since I had Aeri. After we ate I went into our room and changed. I put on shorts and a tank top with tennis shoes. I put my hair in a pony and went downstairs.

J: you need to go to the studio.
B: fineee
J: go. You need to work.
B: ok

He handed me Aeri and went upstairs. I laid her down in the stroller and grabbed a blanket. I put it around the sides of her so she doesn't move around that much. I yelled at B and said we were leaving. He came sprinting down and gave me a kiss. In the middle of our kiss he squeezed my butt. I laughed and smiled into our kiss. He chuckled and kissed Aeri's head.

We went to the local park and I ran. I ran 4 miles and walked home. So a total of 6 miles. ( 1 mile there and 1 back ). I took Aeri out of the stroller and carried her inside. I grabbed her bouncy seat and put it in our bathroom. I grabbed some clothes and went in the bathroom. I drew a bath and got in. I cleaned up real quick and got out. I dried off and got dressed. I picked her up and took her into her room. I changed her diaper and changed her clothes. I changed her into " my auntie loves me " with camo pants. I called Ran.

R: hey girl.
J: hey. Wanna go do something? Brantleys at the studio today.
R: yeah. I'll be over in 10

I packed up Aeri's diaper bag. I put in some formula, blanket, burp rag, toys, etc. I put it by the door and was putting Aeri in her seat when Ran came walking in.

R: Hey girl!
J: Hey!

She grabbed Aeri's bag and we headed out.

I was in denim shorts and a tank top with sandals. Ran was in shorts and a tank top too with sandals. I got Aeri in her seat and we headed to the mall. When we got there we decided to get pedis. Ran got in her seat and wanted to hold Aeri. So I got her out and handed her to Ran with a blanket and her bag next to her. I sat down and turned on the massage chair.

After our pedis we went out to eat. I decided we were gonna take something to Brantley because I knew he wasn't gonna eat and then won't eat dinner. When I went in Ran was holding Aeri. B saw us and his eyes lit up. He wanted to hold Aeri.

J: No. You have to eat. I shoved the bag of food in his lap.
B: Why can't I hold my daughter?
J: Because I knew you weren't gonna eat lunch and you weren't gonna eat dinner.

Ran was sitting down with Aeri asleep on her chest. I went over to Ben and sat down next to him.

J: You better get on his ass about eating.
BEN: I will. I promise. We all will work him.
J: Thank you.

I stayed until he finsihed eating. I gave him a kiss and let him hold Aeri. He kissed her head and rocked her. All the guys were watching. About 20 minutes later I took Aeri and we left. I got her in her car seat and we went back home.

J: I just want to sleep,
R: When was the last time you got more then 3 hours of sleep?
J: About a week before Aeri was born.
R: Girl! Make B take care of that baby! You need to sleep.
J: I know.

Brantley came walking into the bedroom. Ran got up and grabbed the collar of his shirt and drug him out of the room. The funny thing about that was I got it on camera. I posted it on twitter saying " Who's in charge? Not @BrantleyGilbert @MirandaLambert is. ". I heard the front door shut. B came back in and changed. He laid down next to me. I laid my head on his chest. He rubbed my back and played with my hair. Then listening to his heart beat made me fall asleep so fast.

Brantleys POV:

Jaclyn fell asleep and I slowly got up to let her sleep. Miranda scared the living shit out of me. She threatned to beat me if I didn't let Jaclyn rest. I got up and went into Aeri's room. She was passed out so I turned her light out and covered her up. When I went back into our room Jaclyn was laying in the middle of the bed. I covered her up and went downstairs.

I loaded the dishwasher and then went into the laundry room. I started a load of laundry. I went into the living room and picked up stuff. I unloaded the dishes and started another load. I changed the laundry around and mopped the floor. I went upstairs and checked on Aeri. She was starting to wake up so I picked her up. I changed her diaper and sat down in the chair and rocked her until she fell asleep. I went to lay her down when she started to fuss. I laid down on the floor and had her snuggled up to me. I grabbed a blanket and covered her up. I got a pillow and put it under my head. I also covered up. Here's to hopefully a full night of sleep.


I woke up at 8 and Aeri was still asleep. I grabbed my phone and played on it until she started to wake up. I changed her diaper and changed her clothes. I carried her downstairs and fed her breakfast. She ate her bottle and I laid her down on her play mat. I made Jaclyn some breakfast. I picked up Aeri and carried it all upstairs. I woke her up and handed her the food. I laid down next to her on my back with Aeri on my chest. Aeri was awake and started smiling at Jaclyn. She took pictures of her smiling. I scooted her closer and kissed her head. She cuddled up to my arm pit and she passed out.

J: How did ya sleep last night?
B: Fine. I slept in Aeri's room on the floor.
J: I know. I saw y'all. You never wake a sleeping baby or an infant.
B: Wow. Feel the love.
J: You should.

She gave me a kiss and made me eat some fruit. I laid there and started to fall asleep. Today is gonna be a lazy day. Jaclyns gonna have the day to herself. I fell asleep with Aeri next to me.

Jaclyns POV:

I let B and Aeri sleep. If she wants to sleep she's more then welcome to. I kissed Brantleys head and went into the bathroom to take a bubble bath. I had low music on. I was leaned back with my eyes closed when I heard the door open. I opened them and saw B. He sat behind me and kissed my head. He started to massage my shoulders.

20 minutes later

Aeri started to fuss so he got up and took care of her. He came back in with her clung to his shirt but passed out.

B: you have all day to yourself. Don't worry about me and Aeri. We are gonna have a daddy daughter day.
J: are you sure?
B: yes. Once you get done I called Caroline because I knew she would make you go do something. She will be here in 45 minutes.
J: damn. Ok.

B handed me my towel and I dried off. I changed into shorts with a high low tank top that's chevron. I curled my hair and had in hoop earrings. I put on black sandals. I did my makeup and went downstairs and waited. I grabbed a soda and sat on the counter.

10 minutes later

Caroline came walking through the door.

C: hey girl!
J: hey
C: you ready to go?
J: yeah. Let me tell b we are leaving.

I ran upstairs and found b.

J: Babe. We are leaving.
B: alright.

I gave him a kiss and in the middle of it he squeezed my butt. I smiled and left. Here's to a girls day!

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