Chapter 66

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Brantley's POV:

Today is the last day that we will be a family of four. Tomorrow Jaclyn is scheduled to have a c-section. We decided to stay in and have a movie day with the kids then go out for dinner.

We went to dinner at Applebee's and then got ice cream after. When we got home the kids were passed out in the back. I carried them both inside and helped Jaclyn to bed. I got her laid down in bed and all lotioned up. I called Kolby.

B: hey
K: hey
B: what time will you be over tomorrow?
K: 5:30
B: ok
K: You ready to be a daddy again?
B: yes I am.

We finished talking and I packed up the car. I finally went to bed around 1.

5 AM

I woke up and got Jaclyn up and helped her get dressed and brushed her hair out. We had just finished getting ready when Kolby showed up. Once Kolby showed up we got in the truck and headed to the hospital. I grabbed her bag and carried it in for her. We went in and they took her back to get her prepped. I got the gear on and sat on a rolling chair next to her. I grabbed her hand and held it.

Doc: Are we ready?

We both noddeed. 15 minutes later we had our baby boy. They laid him on Jaclyn's chest.

J: hi sweet boy.

I kissed her head and laid my head next to hers. I ran my thumb over his cheek and smiled. The nurses took him and cleaned him up. They stitched her up and took her to recovery. I stayed with the baby and followed them to the nursery. They weighed, measured, and wrapped him up. They handed him to me and I carried him to Jaclyn's room.

I walked in and laid him down on her chest. I sat down next to her and held her hand.

J: This feeling ever gets old.
B: No it doesn't.

I gave her a kiss and laid my head next to her. She laid her hand on my cheek and ran her thumb over it. I grabbed it and held it. Everything felt great right now.

A couple hours later I was laying on the couch with the baby while Jaclyn was sleeping. I took a picture of the baby with Jaclyn in the back and sent it to Kolby.

B: Momma and baby are doing good.
K: Good. I'm glad.
B: Don't send that to anyone else please
K: I won't.
B: Thanks

I laid my phone down and stood up. He fussed so I held him against my chest and bounced him up and down.

B: Shh. It's okay. Daddys here.

Once he fell back asleep I laid him down in his crib. I laid down on the couch with a pillow and took a nap.

About an hour later I woke up the nurses checking Jaclyn's vitals.

Nurse: Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.
B: It's okay.

She finished and said everything looked good. They checked the baby and said he was good too.

B: We need to come up with a name.
J: Yeah.
B: I like Ryder Lane
J: Ooooo. I really like that.

Ryder started to fuss so I handed him to Jaclyn. She fed him and laid there with him.

J: will you hand me my phone?
B: yep.

Jaclyn's POV:

I texted Carol and said that if they wanted to come up and see Ryder then they could. I also texted Kolby thanks for watching the kids.

J: have you texted your mom yet?
B: I was about to
J: text her!

He laughed and texted his mom. About 45 minutes later Luke and Carol came walking in. Luke came around the corner with a big bear and balloons. I laughed and scooted up.

L: Congrats!!
J: thank you.

B took the stuff and sat it down. Carol sat on the edge of my bed and Luke stood and talked with B.

C: let me see this little man.

I handed him over to her.

C: he is so adorable. Does he have a name yet?
J: Ryder Lane
C: oooo. I love it.

Brantley's POV:

Luke and carol came up to see Jaclyn and Ryder.

L: how ya doing?
B: good.
L: how's she doing?
B: good. Really tired.
L: that's to be expected.
B: yeah.
L: how did the c section go?
B: good. Took about 15 minutes.
L: seriously. How are you doing?
B: I'm okay.
L: you know you can call me anytime you know that.
B: I know.

We sat down on the couch and talked while Carol and Jaclyn talked.

Jaclyn's POV:

Luke came over and took Ryder from Carol. Carol went and sat with B.

L: how's momma doin?
J: good. I'm sore, tired. I've been so busy with the kids.
L: why don't you let us take them for like a week or so.
J: really!?
L: yes. You and B both need time to yourself and with little man.
J: Ryder.
L: Oooo. I like the name but let us take them. I'll take them fishing, to moms, whatever they wanna do.
J: so basically Disney land.
L: that's what my house is.

We both started laughing.

J: thank you.
L: no problem. Plus it will get Tate off of the whole " I want a little sibling"
J: Oooo
L: yeah.

I just chuckled. About an hour later Luke and Carol left and got the kids. B laid Ryder down.

J: come lay with me.

He slid his shoes off and crawled into bed with me. He wrapped an arm around me and I laid my head on his chest.

B: I love you
J: I love you too.

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