Chapter 68

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Jaclyn's POV:

It's been about 3 months since I had Ryder. My anxiety attacks have lessened a lot. The doctor said it's because of an imbalance after having Ryder but my medications have regulated that.

I woke up and B wasn't in bed. I went to the bathroom and slid on a pair of his shorts. I put on a hoodie and went into the kids rooms. None of them were in there. Then I heard giggles. I smiled and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs Brantley was chasing Aeri around the house with Thomas on his shoulders. Ryder was laying in his swing watching them. I stepped back and took a video of them playing. I put my phone on the counter and went into the kitchen. B came around the corner and wrapped me up in one of his arms.

B: How is my gorgeous wife this morning?
J: Good.

I smiled and gave him a kiss.

J: Come here bubs.

I reached my arms out and Thomas got off of Brantleys shoulders. I hugged him and sat him on the counter. I gave him a kiss and got a glass of water and sat on the counter next to him. Thomas laid his head on my leg and watched B and Aeri run around.

A few minutes later B laid on the floor of the kitchen out of breathe.

J: Aeri. I think you wore daddy out.
A: Haha. I win.
B: You win this time.

She ran over and jumped on him. I sat Thomas down and he ran over and jumped on B too. I smiled and snapped a picture of them. I went into the living room to check on Ryder. He was passed out in his swing and covered up with a blanket. I kissed his head and went into the kitchen. I walked in and they were all still laying on the ground. B reached his hand out so I grabbed it. He yanked me down on top of him.

T: Haha. You got mommy.
B: I did. Was that a good one?
T: yeah.

Thomas laughed and laid his head on Brantley's arm. I leaned down and gave him a kiss. I laid my head down on his chest and we all laid on the floor. B kissed my head and scooted the kids in closer. I heard the door open and saw that it was Kolby coming in. I laid back down and rested my hand on Aeris back. Kolby just chuckled and sat down on the floor and leaned against the cabinets. Aeri rolled over and laid in Kolbys arms. He held her and kept talking to B. A few minutes later Ryder started fussing. I got up and went into the living room.

After getting Ryder settled I went back into the kitchen. Kolby took Ryder and I laid back on B. I took a picture of Kolby and the kids then one of me laying on B and one of Thomas laying on the other side. I decided to post them on twitter saying "sometimes the best times are spent laying on the kitchen floor."

Thomas climbed on top of me and leaned down to give B a kiss. After he gave B a kiss he slowly slid and fell of my back. Brantley caught him and laid him down. He went into the living room and laid on his bean bag. Aeri went in there too. I sat up so Brantley could sit up. He sat up and leaned against the stove. I sat between his legs and laid against his chest. We sat there with Kolby and talked to him for awhile.

Brantley's POV:

Kolby and I were talking when he looked down at Jaclyn and smiled. I looked down at her and she was asleep. I kissed her head and held her. A few minutes later Jess showed up.


Aeri came running in and jumped on Jess.

J: Hi sweets.

She picked her up and went into the living room with the kids. I kinda woke Jaclyn up and we all went into the living room. I sat down in the big recliner and Jaclyn curled up next to me. Kolby laid in the other recliner with Ryder on his chest. Jess laid on the couch with Aeri curled up next to her and Thomas at her feet. We all decided to watch a movie.

Kolby's POV:

About half way through the movie I looked at B and him and Jaclyn were asleep. I looked at Jess and she was asleep too. Aeri was snoring in her arms and Thomas was asleep on her legs. I took Ryder upstairs and changed his diaper and fed him a bottle. I burped him and he quickly fell back asleep. I laid him in his bed and grabbed the monitor. I went back downstairs and Thomas was sitting on the floor rubbing his eyes.

K: What's up bub?
T: I don't feel good.
K: Come here. Uncle Kolby snuggles will make it better.

I sat down in the recliner and he climbed up in my lap. I can't wait to have my own kids. Jess and I have been trying for almost 3 years. She finally got pregnant last month but we aren't telling anyone until the pregnancy is half way done. We've had 4 miscarriages and can't handle having to tell everyone again if she miscarried.

I laid back and Thomas laid his head on my chest and clung on to my shirt. He got comfortable and fell asleep.

Brantley's POV:

I woke up and Jaclyn was still asleep on my chest. Jess was asleep with Aeri and Kolby was asleep with Thomas. I heard the monitor going off so I slipped out from under Jaclyn and went upstairs.

B: Hi bubs.

He looked at me and smiled. All I could do was smile from ear to ear. I put him against my chest and kinda rocked him while I got his stuff. I laid him down and changed his diaper. I laid him in his swing while I threw his diaper away. I started to clean up his room while he swung. When I was done I picked him up and held him. He started to fuss so I sung to him and walked around.

Once he fell asleep I laid him back down and went downstairs. Jaclyn was now awake. I sat down next to her and she laid her head on my shoulder.

B: I love you.
J: I love you too.

She leaned up and gave me a kiss.

Once everyone woke up we all decided to go out to dinner. We got the kids ready and went to a local diner. I sat on the inside with Ryder. I laid my arm on the windowsill and laid Ryder in that arm. Thomas sat between Jaclyn and I. Then Aeri sat between Kolby and Jess.  

After dinner we loaded the kids up and Aeri started crying because she didn't want to leave Jess. 

J: We can take her for the night. If that's okay with y'all.
B: Of course. She has missed ya a lot so I think it may help her a lot. 

Jess smiled and loaded her up in Kolbys truck. I finished putting the kids in the truck and pulled Kolby to the side. 

B: Is Jess pregnant?
K: How did you know?
B: You just told me
K: Don't tell anyone. We are keeping it on the down low until at least half way. 
B: Of course man 

I got in the truck and headed to the house. When we got there Jaclyn took Thomas in and made Aeri a bag for Kolbys. I grabbed Ryder and took him in. He was getting fussy so I held him against my chest and walked around the house picking stuff up. 

Kolby's POV:

I walked inside and B was walking around the kitchen with Ryder on his chest. Ryder was still fussing and B was trying to calm him down. 

K: Come here little man. 

I took him and held him and he calmed down.

B: What the hell?
K: What can I say, it's the Uncle Kolby touch. 

B laughed and walked away. I went upstairs and got Aeri's bag from Jaclyn. I gave Ryder to Jaclyn and went downstairs. I told B bye and went to the truck. 

K: Alright. We have jammies and clothes! What are we doing next?
J: Movie night and painting nails. 
K: I'll skip the painting nails but I like movies. 
A: Uncle Kolby!
K: What?
A: I wanna paint your nails. 

Jess looked at me and gave me that look. 

K: Fine but it has to be my toe nails.

Aeri squealed in happiness and Jess kissed my hand. I backed out and we went home. 

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