Chapter 33

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Jaclyns POV:

I woke up with Aeri curled up to my stomach and B had his arms wrapped around my stomach. I scooted Aeri over and turned around to face B. I kissed his cheek then his lips. He woke up and smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled into my neck. I whispered in his ear

J: let's get up and let Aeri sleep. I got a surprise for you.
B: oh do you?
J: yes I do.

I slowly got up not waking Aeri and went downstairs. He followed behind me and went into the guest bathroom. I opened the closet door and got the box off the top shelf. I closed the door and took it into the living room. I heard Aeri fuss so I told him

J: don't open anything till I get back with Aeri.

I went to our room and she was red faces and snotty. I wiped her nose and said

J: hey baby girl. It's okay. Mommas here. Mommas here. Let's go get daddy.

As soon as I said daddy she stopped crying. I laughed and carried her downstairs. She saw B and smiled and clapped. He laughed and leaned back on the couch.

B: how's my baby girl?

He took her and she laid her head on his chest. She held on for dear life to his shirt. He rubbed her back and calmed her down while I set the video/camera thing up. I sat down next to him.

J: okay. Time to open.
B: go get momma.

Aeri turned her head the other way and clung onto B.

J: you gonna help daddy open his present?

She smiled and clapped. B tore a piece of the paper and she tore some of it. They got it unwrapped and he opened the box. There were two pairs of jeans, three small black boxes, and a keychain thing I had made with Aeris thumbprint.

He opened the first small black box. It was a dog tag that had mine and Aeris name on it. He smiled and put it on. He leaned over and gave me a kiss. He kissed Aeris head and grabbed the second box. It had all his rings I took away.

B: My rings!!
J: I would like to ask if you would take them off when we go to sleep please.
B: of course. He put them on and opened the other one. I had a ring made that had a heart on it. It said " A&J " on the inside.

B: because my heart belongs to you too. Thank you baby.

I gave him a slow king kiss until Aeri started making noises and hitting B's arm.

B: What!? Ya don't like me and mommy kissing?

He gave me another kiss and she made a stink face. We both laughed. He got up and handed me Aeri. She fussed for a second then started playing with my dog tag B got me. It says " I'm taken. ". I would go to bars with friends and guys would be like " oh. I like your dog tags. " Then they read that one and walk away. He came back with a little box for me. He handed it to me and took Aeri. I unwrapped it and it was two concert tickets. It was to Brett Eldredge. I screamed and hugged him.

B: keep lookin!

I then saw meet and greet passes.

J: when is it?
B: tonight. LeClaire said she would watch Aeri for us since she's up here with Caroline. She's gonna come over here and watch her.
J: oh my god babe. I love you.

I leaned over and grabbed his cheeks. I pulled him close and gave him a kiss. Aeri smacked my arm and I laughed. I grabbed her and went upstairs. I picked out and outfit and laid it out. I took her back to B so I could take a shower.

When I got out I was in black lace underwear and bra. I was curling my hair when B came in with Aeri asleep in his arms.

B: Damn baby.

I just smiled and made my butt jiggle. He smacked it and walked out. I finished my hair and did my make up. I put on daisy Dukes and a crop top. I put my boots on and went downstairs. I saw B and he got this sexy smile on his face. I spun around and made my butt jiggle. LeClaire called and said she was here. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the truck. I started it and got it all ready. I waited for about 5 mins and Brantley came out. He got in and started driving.

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