Chapter 63:

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Brantley's POV:
I woke up to a tangled hair beauty asleep on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair until she woke up.

B: Hey sweetheart
J: hey babe

She rolled over and laid on top of me.

B: How ya feeling?
J: honestly I don't feel sick or anything.
B: that's good.
J: we might have to have sex every night during the rest of my pregnancy
(They both laugh)
J: Have you checked on Aeri?
B: No. I turned her video monitor back on and looked at it when I woke up and she was still asleep.
J: okay.

She straddled her legs over my waist and slowly ran her hand up my chest. She grabbed my face with both hands and pulled it close to her face. We were touching foreheads when we smashed lips together. In the middle of us making up out, she started to grind her hips on me. I smiled and swiftly flipped us over. I kissed every piece of her body.

One hour later

We both slipped into the bath tub while we waited for the kids to get up. She laid her back against my chest and relaxed. I laid my head on top of hers and we just stayed there in silence.

A little bit later I heard Thomas get up. I got out and dried off real quick. I threw on some clothes then went out. I went into his room and he was crying in his sleep. I gently rubbed my back. He jolted up.

B: it's okay buddy.

He sat up and kept crying.

B: what's wrong? Why ya crying?
T: bad dream
B: what was your bad dream?
T: Aeri falling down the stairs.
B: oh Thomas. She's okay. She's just really tired.

He just leaned against my shoulder and cried.

B: Thomas look at me. Aeri being hurt isn't because of you. You guys were playing an accident happen. Accidents happen all the time. We just got cleaned them up or fix them.

I picked him up and carried him to Aeris room.

B: See. She's okay. She's just tired.

He laid his head in the crock of my neck. I rubbed his back and carried him to our room. I walked in and Jaclyn was laying on the bed in sweats and one of my shirts. I sat Thomas down and he crawled over to her.

J: Hi baby boy
B: He had a bad dream
J: Oh honey. It's okay
B: It was Aeri falling down the stairs.
J: Oh baby. She's okay. Come here.

She pulled him closer and sat up. He was laying with his head on her shoulder.

B: I'm gonna go check on Aeri.

She nodded and I left. I walked in and she was tossing in her sleep. I gently rubbed her back till she woke up.

B: hi sweetheart
A: hi
B: how ya feeling?
A: my arm hurts.
B: how's your head?
A: it doesn't hurt anymore.
B: that's good.

She took her sling off and I rubbed her icy hot on then wrapped her arm up and took her downstairs to eat. After she ate I gave her medicine for her arm.

B: do you wanna go see uncle kolby today?
A: Yeah!!!

We went to our room and she laid on the bed. Thomas got off Jaclyn and laid next to Aeri.

T: im sorry
A: sorry for what?
T: you're hurt. I did that.
A: no you didn't.  I tripped on the ball and fell.

He started to tear up and laid his head down next to her.

A: Thomas. I'm okay. I promise.
T: promise?? 
A: promise.

He laid on her good shoulder and gave her a hug. It was really cute.

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