Chapter 48:

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Jaclyns POV:

D: it's a boy.

I smiled and looked at the screen. She took pictures and wiped the gel off my tummy and left. I sat up and looked at Brantley. He had Aeri passed out in his lap and tears in his eyes. I got down and went over to him. I leaned down and kissed him. A long slow kiss. He leaned up and grabbed my cheeks. I smiled and puckered them up. He lost it and died laughing.

I picked Aeri up while B got up. The doctor handed us pictures and we left.

When we got in the truck I looked at Brantley.

B: what?
J: I do believe your son wants some food. He's hungry.
B: alright alright. Let's go.

Brantley drive to the nearest diner and helped me out. He got Aeri out and we walked in. We sat down in a booth and ordered. While we were waiting Aeri woke up.

B: hey baby girl
A: mommaaaaa
J: yes baby?
A: I want youuuu
J: okay. Come here.

Brantley put her down on the floor and she walked over to me. I pulled her into my lap and felt her forehead. She was a little warm.

J: Aeri. Does your tummy hurt?
A: Yeahhh
J: okay. How about you eat some of moms food and then we can go home and watch a movie with daddy?
A: yeah!!!!

The food finally came and she ate a few fries and some chicken. She laid her head on my chest and fell asleep.

While I was finishing up Brantley went and paid. I got Aeris blanket around her because I saw paps outside. Brantley came back over and helped me up. I grabbed my purse and put my sunglasses on. When I opened the door the crowded around me. Brantley wrapped his arm around me and we kept walking. When we got to the truck I opened Aeris door and got her settled in while Brantley protected us from the paps. When I was done I shut her door and went to my door. He leaned in close and whispered

B: we are gonna give them what they want and a little more.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I leaned in and kissed him. Then he cupped my face and kissed me. I laughed and opened the door. He helped me in and shut the door. When he got in we headed home.

When we got home I went to get Aeri when Brantley stopped me.

B: I got her.

I went inside and went up to our room. I grabbed a pair of my sweat pants and one of Brantleys hoodies. When he came in he just smiled and took his jeans off. He slid under the covers and wrapped me in his big, strong, protective arms.

B: you look so fucking hot in my hoodie.

I rolled on top of him and kissed up and down his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He laced his hands under the hoodie and pulled it off. It got stuck on my head and I laughed.

J: it's stuuuuuck

He laughed and took it off. You know what happened next. 😏

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