Chapter 30

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Jaclyns POV:

He carried me in and laid me on the bed. He took his rings off. He slowly started to take my shirt off. I took his off and traced his tattoos while he took my shorts and bra off. He kissed up and Dow my body. I took his pants and boxers off. He took my shorts and panties off then inserted me.

2 hours later

We finished making love and laid down. He kissed my head and wrapped his arms around my waist. I shivered because i was cold. He pulled me closer and wrapped the blanket around us. I soon fell asleep.

Next morning

I woke up naked and still had b wrapped around me. I lightly started kissing him to wake him up.

J: you ready to go get Aeri?
B: yeah. I missed my baby girl last night but it was good to have one night away.
J: I agree.

I got up and took a shower. I got out and changed into jean shorts and a tank top. I put my belly button ring in and put on some sandals. I curled my hair and did some make up. I went downstairs and made us shakes while Brantley got dressed.

He came down in jeans and a gray shirt and his rings on. He came up behind me and kissed my neck. I smiled and handed him his shake. We got in the car and headed to get Aeri.

When we got there Caroline and Aeri were sitting outside.

J: hey
C: hey. We had to take advantage of the good weather this morning.
J: heck yeah.

She handed me Aeri and she smiled. I smiled and kissed her head. Asked Caroline how she was. How she slept. Show she ate. All went well. I was kinda rocking and patting her back. She was soon passed out. B grabbed her chair so I could lay her down. I buckled her in and we left.

We headed to the park. When we got there I grabbed a blanket and carried Aeri. We were walking around the park talking. Aeri started snoring.

J: she's defiantly your child.
B: (laughs) yes. Yes she is. I wouldn't change a thing either.

He gave me a kiss and we kept walking. When we got about half way done he wanted to carry her. He laid her head on his chest near his neck. He put the blanket over her back and legs. Her blanket was pink so it definitely was adorable. This big tough guy carrying around this little baby with a pink blanket. I took a picture of them and kept walking. When we got back to the truck he changed her diaper before we headed on the road. It was almost 5 when we left the park. We decided to stop at a diner and eat. Brantley got Aeri out and carried her in. We found a booth and sat down. I had Aeri on my side. Her seat was under the table. She was sitting on my lap while I ate. I fed her, her bottle then burped her. She soon fell asleep. I finished eating and we left.

When we got home B took Aeri to her room. I went into our room and laid down.

B: you okay babe?
J: yeah. I'm just really tired and don't feel good.

He pulled me into his arms. I laid my head on his chest/stomach. He rubbed my back and played with my hair. I kicked my shoes off and covered up with a blanket.

Brantleys POV:

Jaclyn fell asleep so I laid back and relaxed. I heard Aeri fuss so I slowly got up and went into her room. Her window was broken. I picked her up and rocked her. I saw some guy running across the yard. I called the cops and laid Aeri next to Jaclyn. I grabbed my hand gun and shot the dude in the leg. He fell to the ground. The cops showed up and arrested him. They left and I went and talked to Jaclyn. She was rocking Aeri in the middle of our bed.

B: hey. He's gone.
J: are you sure.
B: yes. I think we should go to mommas or Kolbys.
J: let's go to mommas.
B: alright.

I packed my bag and packed Aeris. I grabbed them and took them to the truck. I grabbed Aeris car seat and saw glass in it. I cleaned it out and got her settled in it. I took Jaclyns bag down and she came down with Aeri. She sat in the back with Aeri. She fell asleep holding Aeris hand. I pulled over and threw my jacket over her and covered Aeri with her blanket. I got some gas and a soda. I headed back on the road and called momma.

MB: hello?
B: hey momma.
MB: what's wrong? It's 1 am
B: someone broke into Aeris room. Can we come over?
MB: oh heavens yes.
B: alright. We should be there in 30 minutes.

I hung up and kept driving.

When we got there I parked the truck. I turned around and rubbed Jaclyns leg.

B: hey baby. We are at mommas.
J: alright.

She got out and I grabbed Aeri. I carried her in and sat her car seat on the couch. Jaclyn sat next to her and got her out. When I came back she was curled up against the back of the couch with Aeri on her chest. They both were passed out. I went upstairs and set up Aeris bed. I got our stuff settled and went back downstairs. When I got down there Jaclyn had like scared look on her face. I touched her arm and she slapped me.

J: OH MY GOD! Babe! I'm so sorry. I had a nightmare a guy was trying to steal Aeri.
B: it's alright.

I kissed her forehead and grabbed Aeri. I helped her up and we went upstairs. I changed Aeri and laid her down. Jaclyn changed and got in bed. I changed and got in to bed next to her. She curled up to me and cried. I sat up and pulled her into my lap. I petted her hair and kept saying " shh ". I sat there and held her. I teared up myself not knowing what that asshole was gonna do to my baby girl. She ended up falling asleep. I laid her down and went downstairs. I grabbed a beer and sat at the table. I drank half my beer and went through Twitter. Then I felt someone touch my shoulder. I jumped and saw it was Jaclyn. I scooted my chair back and pulled her into my lap. She grabbed my beer and took a swig.

B: (laughs) you don't like beer.
J: I needed a drink.

I kiss her back and laugh. She drinks the rest of my beer and gives me a kiss. She lays her head on my shoulder. I throw her over my shoulder and walk upstairs. We lay down in bed and fall asleep.

Next day

When we wake up Aeri is playing with her feet. I picked her up and changed her diaper. I picked her up and laid her head on my chest while I carried her downstairs. Mom saw us so she came over and took Aeri. I went back upstairs and changed into sweats and a sweatshirt because it's always cold in mommas house. I put some socks on and went downstairs. Mom was feeding Aeri and Jaclyn was making coffee. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her neck. I heard her giggle and I smiled. She handed me coffee and we went into the living room. Mom was playing with Aeri. We just sat back and watched then I grabbed my iPad.

B: so I called the glass company and Blake went over there while they were there. They replaced the glass. I called security company and said to cancel our plan.
J: why!?
B: we are moving.
J: where?
B: in the country. It's a big house. Here. Look.

I handed her my iPad and she looked around.

J: I love it.
B: I bought the best security there is and we have a gate with a buzzer in only.

I wrapped my arm around here and kissed her. I went upstairs and picked out an outfit for her to wear. I picked out a cute sundress and heels. I changed and went downstairs.

B: go get dressed. I laid an outfit for you on the bed.
J: alright.

She walked upstairs and got ready. When she came back down I stood up and smiled. I grabbed her hand and spun her around. I gave her a kiss and grabbed her hand. We walked outside and went down to the pond. I grabbed both of her hands and kissed her.

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