Chapter 26: Delivery

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Brantleys POV:

I grabbed our hospital bag and helped her to the car. I called the hospital and flew there. When we pulled in they were waiting they got her loaded up. I parked the car and went in. I got in scrubs and went in. I went to her side and held her hand.

D: Time to push.

She screamed and pushed. Three pushes later our baby girl was here. I started crying. I kissed her head. They took her to go clean her up. They clean Jaclyn up and got her ready. They brought her back in. They handed her to Jaclyn. She held her and teared up. I wiped her tears and gave her a kiss. I took a picture of them and sent it to momma, and Kolby. " Welcome our baby girl. ". I sat next to Jaclyn in a chair and said

B: we need a name for her.
J: I like Aeri Marie Gilbert.
B: sounds good to me.

I kissed her head and sat down.

J: wanna hold her?
B: no. I'm gonna break her.
J: babe your not gonna break her.

She showed me how to support her head. I sat down in the chair with my right leg over my left. I had her kinda resting on my leg. She wrapped her tiny hand around my finger. I could help but smile. I saw Jaclyn raise her phone up.

B: hi baby girl. I'm your daddy.

I kissed her head and held her. I reclined back and held her close to me.

Jaclyns POV:

I took a picture of B and Aeri. He leaned back and held her close to him. I smiled because it was so adorable. She started to cry. Brantley woke up and rocked her. He handed her to me so I could feed her. While I fed her he went down to the waiting room to talk with momma Becky and Kolby.

Brantleys POV:

I opened the door and momma jumped out.

MB: how is she? How's the baby?
B: they are both good. They are about to move her into a normal room.
MB: alright
B: I will come get you guys when you guys can come back.

I gave momma a hug and kissed her head. Kolby gave me a hug. I went back and found Jaclyn asleep with Aeri in her arms. I smiled and took a picture. I slowly took Aeri and bounced her while standing up. I heard the door open but didn't think much about it. I kept bouncing her and heard " awww ". I looked and saw momma. She sat down and I handed her Aeri. She sat there and held her. Then offered to let Kolby hold her but he said he was gonna hurt her.

B: that's what I said too. Your not gonna hurt her. I promise.

He took her and held her. He laid her on his chest. I took a picture of them and smiled. Jaclyn was now awake. I sat down next to her and rubbed her back.

B: how ya feelin?
J: sore and tired.

I kissed her head and she laid against me. They then said over the speakers visiting hours were over. I got up and got Aeri from Kolby. I gave him a bro hug and gave momma a hug and kiss.

I sat down next to Jaclyn. I sat Aeri in her lap. She pulled her into her arms. I was playing with her hand when she wrapped it around my finger.

J: you know she's gonna have ha wrapped around her little finger.
B: I know.

I put Aeri back in her crib so she could go to the nursery. I sat back down and wrapped my arms around Jaclyn. She snuggled into my neck. I started humming " Fall into Me ". I looked down and she was asleep. I laid back and fell asleep too.

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