Chapter 5

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Brantey's POV:

When we finally got back to the bus Jaclyn took her bags inside. She wouldn't let me lift any because she didn't want me to lift anything.

B: I'm gonna go start dinner. You can come in here with me if you want or you can put your stuff away. You can have this closet.
J: I'm gonna put my stuff up then I will come in.

I gave her a kiss and headed into the kitchen to start dinner. I got out chicken and started making chichken and dumplings. When I was done Jaclyn hadn't came out yet so I headed back to go check on her.

Jaclyn's POV:

I hung up all of my dresses first then my shirts and then my jeans. I lined my shoes up at the bottom and put my bags on the top shelf along with my straightners and curling irons. I sat on the bed, and played on my phone. I was on facebook and found pictures of Brantley and I kissing somewhere in public. The last thing I remember was laying down looking at the picture.

Brantley's POV:

I walked back and saw her asleep. She had her phone in her hand and it was on. I looked at the picture and smiled. I shut her phone, and curled in next to her. I kissed her neck then her chin. Then I kissed her lips, and then she smiled into our kiss.

B: Baby. It's time to eat.
J: Alright. Let me change.
B: Never.
J: Yes they are my clothes from the farm.
B: Your gate sex clothes? (laughing)
J: Shut the fuck up.
B: Aww is someone getting cranky?
J: Yes. When I start to get cranky or moody out of no where. That means my bloodsugar is getting low.
I poked her stomach and said " Then lets get some food in there. "
J: Can I change?
B: Yes.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed bowls and spoons. I served out the chicken and dumplings while I was waiting for Jaclyn to come out from changing her clothes. She came out with her hair in a messy bun, short shorts, and a sweatshirt. She wrapped arms around my waist and laid her head on my chest. " Let's eat babe. " " Alright.". I handed Jaclyn her bowl and then got mine. We went to the table and started eating. We were eatting when Justin came in.

B: Grab a bowl if you want some.

Jaclyn's POV:

We were eating when Justin just randomly walked in. He was in basketball shorts and t-shirt with tennis shoes. He also was wearing a baseball cap. He sat next to me and started talking.

JUSTIN: So what did y'all do today?
J: I went home last night and packed since I'm on here for good. He came and picked me up. I had practice so I drug him to it.
JUSTIN: Wait. Practice for what?
J: Volleyball. Get with it Justin!
JUSTIN: My bad continue.
J: I'm only on the warm up team. When I was done I went into the locker room to get my stuff and got mad at the girl who is incharge of the warm up team. Punched her in the face, and left. I drove the truck and went to a field near my great grandma's house. Jumped out and changed my outift. Then finished driving to my grandma's farm. I had to climb over the gate so Brantley had to pull the truck in. We talked to my aunt and grandma then I drug him into the barn to show him around. Then we played at the random table and left.
JUSTIN: First of all is the random table?
J: It's a table that my grandpa would throw his extra pieces of like PVC pipe and wood. Ever since I was little we would build stuff and give it to my grandma. After we left she would take it apart so we would have still have stuff to build with next time we came.
B: Your forgeting the best part.
J: Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
B: She basically had sex with the gate.
JUSTIN: Explain!
B: She was jumping over the gate and her pants got stuck at the private area. She couldn't get them unstuck so she basically humped it to get them off.
J: I fucking hate you.
JUSTIN: That happened to me too, It sucks.
J: See! Not the only one ya asshole!
B: But you still love me!

We talked for a while before Justin headed back to his bus so we could head to the next town.

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