Chapter 41:

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Jaclyns POV:

Today B goes back on tour. We are going with him for a week or two to see how Aeri does. If she does fine we are gonna stay. If she doesn't we are going back home.

We had all of our bags by the back door. I was sitting in the living room with Aeri passed out in my arms.

B: bus is here.

I got up and got my shoes on. I grabbed my purse and Aeris bag. I was walking outside when I saw Ben walking in.

J: hey Ben.
BEN: Hey darlin. How have you been?
J: good. You?
BEN: good. Ready to be back on tour.

He went in and helped brantley get the bags. I went on the bus and sat on the couch with Aeri. I was rocking her when Brantley and Ben came on the bus. They put our bags down and Ben went to his bus. B came and sat next to me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my head.

J: let's set up her bed so I can lay her down.
B: Alright

We went back to our bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and helped B set the bed up. When it was done I changed her and laid her down. When she was asleep I went back out to the living room. Brantley was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I went over to him and rubbed my hand over his back. He looked up at me and had tears in his eyes. I squatted down infront of him and held his hands.

J: What's wrong?
B: Aeri
J: What about her?
B: She pulled away from me when we were in the back room.
J: Babe. She doesn't feel good. She just want to snuggle. She loves you. She is a daddies girl.
B: It doesn't seem like it.
J: Well she is.

I stood up and sat down in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my chest. I kissed it and rubbed his back. I made him look at me and kissed him. A slow... long... passionate kiss. When we pulled away he smiled. He laid his head back on my chest and hugged me tightly. I got out of his grip and he looked sad.

J: I have to pee. I will be right back.
B: Fineeee

I went up and went into the bathroom. I haven't been feeling right lately. I stuck a pregnancy test in my bag before we left. I took it and it said to wait 5 minutes. I put the test in a drawer and went back into the living room. I sat next to B and put my feet in his lap. He rubbed them and we talked. I knew it had been 5 minutes so I told B I had to go wash my hands. I went in there and looked at the test. Positive. I smiled and hollered

J: Brantley come here.
B: What babe?

I handed him the test and he instantly smiled. He put the test over on the counter and pulled me into a hug. He picked me up and spun me around. I gave him a kiss and pulled back. I smiled and laid my head on his chest. Aeri cried so I went to go get her when she yelled


B smiled and went into the other room to get her. I took a picture of the test and sent it to Ran.

J: Don't tell anyone. The wedding is next month. I don't want them to know before the wedding.
R: OH MY GOD! I won't tell anyone.

I threw the test away and went into the bedroom. B was putting her clothes on. He picked her up and she wrapped her little arms around his neck. Next month Aeri will be one. It's hard to believe she's already one. My babies growing up.

I went over next to B and he wrapped his other arm around me and kissed my head. Aeri sat up and said

A: Num num?
J: You hungry?
A: Yeahhhhh
J: Ok. Let's get a snack.

I went into the kitchen and forgot we didn't have food yet. I went into her diaper bag and gave her some crackers. She sat on Brantley's lap with her head on his chest and ate her snacks.

J: When are we stopping for snacks?
B: In about 20 minutes.
J: Okay.

I went into the bedroom and changed into skinny jeans, white tank top, and boots. I put my hair in a pony tail and went into the living room. B gave me Aeri so he could get dressed. She reached for him and cried.

J: Daddy will be right back.
B: I'll be right back baby girl.

She cried even after he left the room. She laid her head on my stomach and cried.

J: Aeri. Daddy will be right back. He has to change his clothes.

A few seconds later he came back out and she reached for him. He picked her up and she laid her head on his shoulder. He rubbed her back and sat down next to me. He grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

We soon stopped and the bus driver came back.

BD: yall are so cute.
J: thank you. Will you take a picture of us?
BD: of course

I leaned up and kissed B. Then laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head. The bus driver handed me my phone back and went to the back of the bus.

I stood up and got Aeris diaper bag. B stood up and we headed in.

Brantleys POV:

When we got inside Aeri wouldn't let me put her down. I felt her forehead and she was kinda warm. I walked through and rocked her at the same time. Jaclyn got the stuff and we checked out. When we got back to the bus I laid Aeri down and helped her put the stuff away. When we are done we go sit on the couch and chill out.

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