Chapter 60

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Jaclyn's POV:

I woke up still laying on the bathroom floor with B right next to me. I moved and he jumped up.

B: Are you okay?
J: Yeah. I'm fine.
B: You are going to the doctor today.
J: Wait a second. Get out.
B: What?
J: Go check on the kids.

He went out and I locked the door. I grabbed a pregnancy test and took it.

10 minutes later

I read it and it said positive. I sighed and slid down against the wall. How the hell am I supposed to take care of 3 kids!? Thomas isn't even walking or out of diapers yet. I called Aunt Tiff.

T: Hey honey
J: Tiff. I have a problem you could say.
T: What's up?
J: I just took a pregnancy test and I'm pregnant. How the hell am I supposed to raise 3 kids!? I can barely do 2!
T: Honey. God wanted you to have another baby. You will find away that will work.
J: I'm not ready. We aren't ready. We both agreed to not having kids till Thomas was 3 atleast. I'm just afraid he will be upset or mad.
T: If he gets mad over this you call me. Pack your shit and get out. You don't need someone like that in your life.
J: I'm just scared.
T: I know honey. You can do this.
J: I'm gonna tell him.
T: Good luck

I hung up and grabbed the test. I walked out and he was walking back in.

B: What's that?
J: Pregnancy test
B: Your pregnant?!
J: Yes
B: What the hell? How!? I thought you were on the pill and we used protection!
J: I don't know.
B: We aren't ready for another kid!
J: Babe. Calm down.

He stomped out of the house and I heard his truck pull out. I sat in the middle of the bed and cried. I called her back.

J: I told him. I shouldn't have.
T: How did he react?
J: He got mad and blamed me.
T: Pack your shit and the kids. I will be there in 3 hours.
J: Aunt Tiff.
T: Mark will be here getting ready for you guys. Temperary atleast.
J: Okay

I hung up and started packing my stuff up. I threw them in bags and took them to my car. I filled the trunk up with my stuff then started getting the kids stuff. They both were passed out. I packd their toys and stuff in boxes then clothes in bags. Once it was all packed Tiff texted and said she was 10 minutes away. I got the kids in the car and put one bag of each of theirs in the car. She came and got the rest of the stuff and we headed back to her place.

When we got there I grabbed Thomas and she took Aeri. We went inside and laid them down on the couch. Mark went past me and started getting bags. We only grabbed our clothes and some toys for the morning. I put my car in the garage and locked it.

I went back inside and Thomas was crying. I sat on the ground and pulled him into my lap.

J: It's ok baby. Momma's here. Shhh

He fell asleep then Mark walked in.

J: Will you help me up?

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. He took Thomas and went upstairs. I grabbed Aeri and followed. He was laying Thomas down when I walked in. I laid Aeri down and started looking for clothes. I grabbed them and grabbed Thomas a diaper. Mark changed Thomas while I changed Aeri. After the kids were in bed we went out to the hall.

M: Spill.
J: There's too much.

I pressed my head against his head and sighed.

M: I think I have the fix. Change into comfy clothes and come down in 5 minutes.
J: Okay

I changed into leggings and a hoodie. I threw my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs. He was sitting on the couch with a gallon of ice cream and two spoons. I chuckled and grabbed a blanket.

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