Chapter 36:

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Rans POV:

I saw Jaclyns truck pull up.

R: hey girl. What's up?
J: could me and Aeri stay here for the night. I'm on the verge of a mental break down and don't want to go home.
R: of course. Where is Aeri?
J: in the truck asleep. I took her to the doctor this morning. She had an ear infection and the stomach bug.
R: poor baby. She needs some Aunt Ran snuggles.

I went to Aeris door and she was awake.

R: hey baby girl!!

I got her out and held her. She laid her head on my shoulder and played with my necklace. We went inside and I sat down with her in my lap. Jaclyn gave her some medicine and she passed out. I laid back in the chair and we talked.

R: why aren't you home?
J: me and b got in an argument.
R: knowing your stubborn ass you left.
J: Yep.
R: where did ya go?
J: Missouri. My grandmas place.
R: what did you guys fight about.
J: I had fed Aeri her breakfast and B came downstairs. He asked if I had eaten. I said no and he got pissy. I packed our bags and we left.
R: you can't do that everytime yall get mad at eachother.
J: I know. It feels like he has been trying to get under my skin this past week. I needed a break.

Jaclyns POV:

It felt good to talk to Ran. She rocked Aeri. I had to wake Aeri to give her some medicine. I was getting Aeris bed ready while Ran got her to fall asleep. She laid her down and gave me a hug. I soon laid down and passed out.


I woke up and Aeri was still sleeping. I got up and got in the shower.

When I got out I dried my hair and put it in a pony tail then curled my pony with my curling wand.

I went into the room and Aeri was awake. I picked her up and changed her diaper. I turned cartoons on and she laid down on my bed. I changed into my Miss Me Jean skinnies with a real tank top and black leather boots. (Picture above is her outfit.) I did my make up and grabbed Aeri. I turned the TV off and went downstairs. Ran was up. She was making breakfast. I got Aeris meds and gave them to her. She got fussy so I held her and bounced her. She didn't stop crying for 10 minutes. I took her upstairs and laid her down on the bed while I packed our stuff.

R: Whatcha doing?
J: I'm packing our bags because I think she needs to be home to be more comfortable. She needs her daddy to hold her when she doesn't feel good. She needs to have her mommy and daddy there with her when she's sick. I don't want her to have to go through what I did.
R: I understand.

She helped me load the truck up. I got Aeri in and didn't wake her which was a plus. I gave Ran a hug and left.

We had driven 10 miles when I decided to get a drink from a drive thru. I got a tea and drove home.

When I got there B walked outside. I got Aeri out and had her head on my shoulder. He came running down the steps and came to me. I just put my head in the middle of his chest. He wrapped his arms around me while I cried.

B: shhhh. What's wrong?
J: this morning at Rans. I gave Aeri her meds and she wouldn't stop crying. I held her and rocked her till she fell asleep. I then noticed I was giving her the same life I had and didn't want that. She needs to have her daddy to hold her when she doesn't feel good. She needs to have her mommy and daddy around.

I looked at Brantley and he had tears in his eyes. He leaned down and gave me a kiss. I felt his tears fall on to my cheeks.

B: so why did you have to give her meds?
J: she has an ear infection and the stomach bug that's going around.
B: my poor baby.

I handed her to B. He kissed her head and sat on the steps with her. I went to the bed of the truck and started unloading stuff.

I felt B put his arm on the middle of my back and say

B: I got this. You go inside.
J: alright.

I picked up my bag and Aeris. I went inside and started laundry. I heard Brantley come in. I grabbed the pack n play and took it downstairs. I came up and B was sorting our clothes between whites and colors.

I went upstairs and checked on Aeri. I felt her forehead and she was very warm. I took her temp and it was 102. I picked her up and grabbed her favourite toy and blanket.


I grabbed my big purse and put all the stuff in there. I came downstairs and B was waiting with a confused face.

I ran outside and out Aeri in her seat.

B: what's wrong?
J: she has a 102 fever. We need to get her to the hospital.

He got in the drivers side. I got in my seat and we drove to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital I grabbed my purse and got Aeri out. Now she was awake and fussy. I went to the front desk and told them everything. They took her back and didn't let us come. I gave the nurse her blanket and toy so it could maybe help her calm down. B wrapped his arms around me. He held me tight while I cried. We sat down on one of the couches. I had my feet on the other side of him with my head on his chest. We were holding hands and I was playing with his rings. I started tracing his tattoos on his arm.

NURSE: Aeri Gilbert's family?

I jumped up and went over to her.

J: is she okay?
N: she will be. Her tonsils got an infect in them and are really swollen. That's what gave her the fever. She needs surgery to remove them or drain them whatever you want to do.
B: what does less damage and less pain for her?
N: each will have pain. However taking them will be a little bit more but it this will never happen again. If we just drain them it can come back. It's your call.
J: can we go see her?
N: only one because she is in the child's critical care.

B kissed my head and said

B: go. I'll wait.

I nodded and followed her.

When we got to her room Aeri was playing with one of the other nurses. She looked at me and said

A: Momma!
J: hey baby girl.

I sat in the chair next to her bed and kissed her head. She laid down so he head was on my arm. The nurse left. I was rubbing her back when I heard the door open. I looked back and the nurse we first talked to came in.

N: I talked to the doctor and he said two could be back here because she is so young. Do you want me to go get your husband?
J: he's not my husband but yes please.

She nodded and left. We had cartoons on while we waited for B to come back. I then heard the door open and it was B. I leaned down to Aeris ear.

J: Aeri. Daddy is here.

She sat straight up and yelled


He chuckled and came over next to the bed. He squatted so he was at her level. He kissed her head and rubbed her back. She laid her head back down on my arm. She had her hand wrapped around Brantley's finger.

20 minutes later

The nurse came in and we told her which surgery we were gonna do. We decided to do the tonsil removal.

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