Chapter 65:

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Brantley's POV:

Today is a big day for the family. Both of our families are coming over for a big baby shower. This will be the first time that everyone is together.

Thomas is happy to see Kolby. Aeri is excited to see Kolby and Jessica. We had the house cleaned up and I was parking the cars in the barn when momma showed up. I parked the cars and helped her inside. She sat on the couch with the kids and talked with them. When Kolby came in Aeri bolted for the door and almost knocked him over.

A: Kolby!!!!!
K: hey sweetheart.

He wrapped her in his arms and held her tightly. Aeri didn't let go of him for 10 minutes.

About an hour later everyone was here. Her aunts and uncles and cousins were here. We all sat in the living room and talked. After we all ate we did gifts and hung out.

I was sitting with Jaclyn when I heard a crash. I got up and went to check. I went outside and saw that someone hit a tree outside the house. I yelled for Kolby and went up to the car. It was mommas fiancé. I took a deep breathe and checked for a pulse. He had a faint one.

B: Brian. Can you hear me?

He didn't answer.

B: Kolby! Call 911! It's Brian.
K: shit.

He pulled his phone out and called. A few minutes later they all showed up. Jessica came out and asked what's going on.

K: Brian hit the tree.
J: oh my god.
K: go get momma and have her come outside. Then make sure everyone stays inside. Don't let anyone watch okay?
J: got it.

Jessica's POV:

I went inside and momma was getting a drink.

MB: is everything okay out there?
J: Kolby and Brantley want you out there.
MB: okay?

I went into the living room.

Jess: Let's play the diaper changing game!
J: alright!

I grabbed the supplies and kept the curtains drawn. Everyone played and had a blast.

Kolby's POV:
I saw momma come out. I walked up to her and stopped her.

K:I need you to look at me and listen.
MB: Kolby. What's going on?
K: Brian hit the tree.
MB: oh my god.
K: hey. Listen. I need you to ride in the ambulance with him. Once this party is over I will be up. Okay?
MB: okay.
K: I love you.

She nodded. I kissed her head and helped her in the ambulance. I looked at B and he had blood all over his shirt.

K: put my hoodie on.

I took it off and tossed it to him. He slid it on and we went inside. He went to change and I grabbed a drink. I went back into the living room and sat down with Jessica. I laid my hand on her thigh and watched everyone.

About an hour later everyone was gone and went back to their hotels or condos. Aeri was asleep between my legs. I slid her onto the carpet and got up. I gave Jaclyn a hug and took Jessica home.

Brantley's POV:

I was cleaning stuff up when Jaclyn came up behind me. She wrapped an arm around my waist. I chuckled because she couldn't reach my waist with both arms. I turned around and gave her a hug.

J: everything okay?
B: yeah. I'm just really tired.
J: let's go take a nap. The kids are asleep.
B: sounds good to me.

I finished wiping down the table and went upstairs with her. She was already laying in bed curled up to her big body pillow. I changed and grabbed the bloody shirt. I tossed it in the trash. I laid down and rested my head on her pillow right above her stomach. I laid a hand on her stomach and rubbed my thumb across it.

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