Chapter 4

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Jaclyn's POV:

I woke up at 7 to start packing. I sent him my address and started packing. I basically packed all of my clothes. I went to shoes and packed all of them. I back my bathroom needs and finally started getting ready. I changed into a volleyball tank top with denim shorts and Vans. I curled my hair and did my make up. Before Brantley came I packed my volleyball gear because I have a practice with my college. I'm not really on the team but still practice with them. Today I'm telling them I'm not practicing anymore. My phone started ringing which disrupted my thoughts. It was Brantley.
J: hey
B: hey I'll be there in about 5 minutes.
J: we have a pit stop for about an hour.
B: where?
J: it's a surprise.
B: fine.
J: (laughs) alright. Bye.
B: bye

5 minutes later

Brantley came walking up the porch when I walked out the door and hugged him. I held on to him for a couple minutes then asked how is back was. He said sore but fine. We went in and got my bags. " Ready to load up? " " Yep. ". We loaded up my bags and headed to the gym. I told him how to get there.

J: One thing you don't know about me is that I'm on the colleges warm up volleyball team.
B: no way
J: Yep. Your gonna watch my last practice. I'm only hear for 30 minutes.
B: alright.

I went and got changed into my outfit. I went and stretched with the team.

Brantley's POV:

I sat on the bleachers and watched Jaclyn. They started playing an actual game. Jaclyn was in the back and the ball almost hit the ground until she dove to the ground and got it up. Then rolled out of it and jumped back up. The ball was about out of bounds till Jaclyn dove for it and slid into chairs and the ball cart. She did this many times till she was done. I saw her coming out of the locker room and went to her.

B: Damn

J: ......

B: What's wrong?

J: We are leaving now.

B: Babe what happened?



I unlocked it and she jumped in the drivers side. I didn't agrue. I handed her the keys and got in. She drove to this field and stopped the truck. She hopped out and went to the back of the truck. She came back in differnt clothes. She threw her volleyball stuff in the back and started driving again.

B: Would you mind to tell me what's wrong?

J: I punched a girl in the face in the locker room....

B: Why?

J: She was being a bitch.

B: Okay. Where are we going?

J: My great grandmas farm.

B: Alright.

Jaclyn's POV:

We pulled infront of my grandmas farm.

J: I'm gonna go open the gate. Pull in straight next to that red car.

B: Alright

I jumped out and hopped over the gate. I unlocked it and opened it. He pulled in and shut the car off.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

J: Okay. I'm gonna warn you. My aunt and grandma dont like gauges. My grandma might say something like why do you like those ugly things. Just brush it off.

B: Alright.

We walked to the front porch where my grandma and aunt are.

J: Hey grandma. Grandma this is Brantley. Brantley this is my grandma.
B: Nice to meet you.
G: hello (jerky sound)
I rubbed his back and introduced him to my aunt.
J: Delores this is Brantley. Brantley my aunt Delores.
D: nice to meet you.
B: nice to meet you.

I pulled a chair over and Brantley day down. Then I sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hooked his arms together. We talked for awhile and then we went walking around. I showed him around. I climbed up this ladder and waited at the top for him.

J: come on old man!
B: I'm not old!
J: quit acting like it!!
B: shut up.

He finally came up and we goofed around. I was running and ran into Brantley. I laughed while he had me wrapped in his arms. I laid my head on his shoulder while he spun me. He stopped spinning and I put my legs down. I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. " COME ON LOVE BIRDS! " I laughed and looked down. " Y'all eating lunch here? " " No thanks grandma. I think we will explore some more and leave after that. " " Whatever. ". I grabbed Brantley and led him to the random table. It's called the random table because before my grandpa died he had this work table that when he had extra pieces of stuff he threw it on there. I go there and make random shit all the time.

J: let's go to the random table.
B: what the hell is that?
J: I'll show ya.

We get there and I grab two stools.
J: this my friend is the random table. It has random stuff all over it. My grandpa would throw his extra scrape pieces up here. There's PVC pipe, pieces of wood. Anything. Start building.

I grabbed PVC pipe and wood. I went into the garage and grabbed a hammer and nails. I nailed the PVC pipe to the wood. I grabbed the saw and cut a hole out of the wood where the PVC pipe is. I took dryer sheets and put them on both ends a couple times then painted it. I lacquered the wood and watched Brantley. I laughed at him the whole time. He kept screwing up and getting mad. I showed him mine and he got mad because he couldn't think of anything.

J: Just put random shit together. Like take this corner of PVC pipe and the circle I cut out and glue it to the inside. Paint the tube and you have a change holder. 
B: Wow. I would never of thought about that.
J: Just be creative babe.
B: Mhmmmmm
J: We better get going.
B: Alright.

We went inside to tell my grandma and aunt good bye. We passed Bart (a rainbow macaw)

J: Hey bart.
B: Did he just talk?
J: Yeah. Ready?
B: Yeah. 
J: Bart. What did Pop call you?
BART: Asshole.Shithead.
B: Did he just. What!?
J: ( dieing of laughter) Yes. Before my grandpa died he taught him how to cuss.
B: Thats great.
D: Until he calls you a bitch.
J: Bart! Did you call Delores a bitch?
BART: Yeah.
J: Why?
BART: Cause she is.

I laughed so hard I fell on the floor. Then Bart jumped on my stomach. Brantley just kept taking pictures, so did my aunt. 

BART: What so funny?
J: You.
J: Yes
J: Yes.
J: Don't agrue with me. I'll take your snacks home with me. 
BART: Bitch
BART: Bart bad?
J: Yes
BART: Sorry. 

Bart flew back up to his perch and Brantley helped me up. I was still laughing. I had tears in my eyes and just burried my face in Brantley's chest. He rubbed my back and chuckled.

Brantley's POV:

Bart is so funny. Jaclyn fell on the floor laughing so I took a video but still took pictures at the same time. She finished laughing and we said goodbye. I backed out and waited for her to shut the gate. She shut it and locked it. When she was jumping over it her pants got caught in the private area. She basically humped the gate to get unstuck. She got in and said " Not funny. " " Yes it is. You basically just had sex with the gate! " " Your just jealous it wasn't you! " " Yep! ". 

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