Chapter 64

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Jaclyn's POV:

So I'm about 4 months pregnant now. Brantley and I are doing a gender reveal today. We decided to do a big cake and have friends and family over. Half was designed for a boy and half was for a girl.

I was wearing a black and white romper with black sandals and my hair was straight. B had on jeans and boots with a white v neck.

I grabbed the cake cutter and sliced into the middle of the cake. I pulled back the piece and it was..... BLUE. B jumped back and started doing a little dance. I leaned back and laughed. He came over and wrapped me in a hug smiling from ear to ear. (Like Tyler Hubbards reaction to the gender of his baby.) He leaned down and gave me a kiss. Everyone was smiling and clapping at this point. Brian D. walked up to B and bro hugged him. They slapped each other's backs a couple times and talked. I went up to Miranda and hugged her.

M: Ahhh! I can't believe it's a boy!
J: I know. Me either.

I walked around and talked to a few of my other girlfriends and talked with them. I was talking with a friend when I looked over at B. He was over with Brian and a couple of other guys. He was smiling and laughing. It was good to see him smiling and laughing.

A few minutes later I went over to B and he wrapped an arm around me. Aeri and Thomas came over a few minutes later.

J: hey babies. What's up?
A: will you come outside for a minute?
J: of course.

I followed them outside and saw Sylo laying in the grass panting really bad.

A: Thomas threw the ball for Sylo. Sylo ran then slowly laid down. He started breathing really heavy.
J: Aeri. Stay here with Sylo. Just keep rubbing his head.
A: okay momma.

I got up and went inside. I wrapped my arm around B.

J: come outside with me.
B: what's wrong?
J: Sylo

He looked at me weird and followed. When we got outside I stopped.

J: Aeri said that they came out to play with Sylo. Thomas threw a ball for Sylo then he ran and slowly laid down then started panting really bad.
B: ok. I think he may have got over heated. I hope that's what's wrong.
J: me too. I didn't know what to do so I got you.
B: thanks. Take the kids inside and tell Brian to come out here.
J: okay.

I went down the stairs and got the kids.

J: let's go inside. Daddy is gonna get Sylo.

I took them inside and had Miranda take them.

J: hey Brian
Brian: hey. What's up?
J: aeri told me that her and Thomas went to go okay with Sy. T threw a ball for Sy. They said he started running and then slowly laid down. Now he's really panting heavily. Brantley is out there. He wants ya out there.
Brian: alright.
J: thanks Brian
Brian: no problem.

He gave me a hug and went out there. Miranda was with the kids. I saw T had tears in his eyes. I walked over and looked at him.

J: what's wrong T?
T: what if Sy isn't okay?
J: hey. Don't worry. Daddy and Uncle Brian are checking him out. It's gonna be okay.

He started crying and I wrapped him in a hug. I saw B come in holding Sy. I left T and Aeri with Miranda and followed B. He took him to our room and put him in the bath tub. He climbed in with him and Brian gave him a cold towel. B wrapped it around Sylos neck to help cool him down.

B: it's okay buddy.

Brian looked at me and pulled me close to him.

Brian: don't worry. We've got Sy. Go out there with everyone. Try and get some to leave if ya can. Start packing stuff up.
J: alright. Thanks again.

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