Chapter 58:

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Jaclyn's POV:

It has been almost 2 months since Thomas' accident. B has the ACMs show next week. We are currently in Vegas. The kids are with Becky while we are in Vegas.

Brantley is currently passing back and forth.

J: Babe. Calm down.
B: I am so nervous.
J: Why? It's not even awards day yet. Come here.

He sat next to me. I made him lay on his stomach. I sat on his lower back and massaged his back. I soon felt him loosen up. I leaned down and kissed his neck.

J: Let's go site seeing.

I got up and went to change.

I put on skinny jeans and a white tank top with a Black & White chevron cardigain with black leather boots. I loosely curl my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and found B sitting on the edge of the bed. I sat on his lap. He laid his head on my chest and grabbed my hand.

J: What's wrong??
B: nothing
J: Don't lie.
B: I'm missing the kids
J: I know. Me too. Let's FaceTime them.

I grabbed my iPad and facetimed Becky. A few seconds later she answered.

MB: hey y'all!
J: hey! Can we talk to the kids?
MB: of course.

A few seconds later Aeri popped up and I saw Thomas in Becky's lap.

J: Hi Aeri!
A: hi momma! hi daddy!
B: Hi baby. Are you having fun with grandma?
A: Yeah! We made cookies this morning!! It was fun!
B: Awesome! Are you and Thomas being good?
A: Yeah! Uncle Kolby and Aunt Jessica said they would take me to go get ice cream if I was good!!
B: That's awesome!
A: Where did mommy go?
J: I am right here!
A: I miss you.
B: We miss you too!
J: We will be home in 2 days!
A: Ok.

Thomas leaned up and smiled.

J: Hi baby!
T: HI!!!

B and I both laughed. We soon finished up and hung up.

J: I told you they were fine.
B: I know. I just miss them.
J: Come on. Let's go explore.

I got up and grabbed his hand. He groaned and got up. B quickly wrapped me in his arms and gave me a long, slow kiss.

J: come on pretty boy. I have a nail appointment at 3.

I grabbed my purse and walked to the door. I heard him come up behind me. I opened the door and waited for Brantley to come. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our hands.

When we got to the car he got in the drivers seat and we are off.

2 hours later

Brantley went back to the hotel while I went back to the nail salon. I decided fake nails so they can stay on longer. They are silver sparkle colored to go kind of a long with my dress.

When I got back to the hotel Brantley was asleep on the bed. I changed into yoga pants and one of his hoodies. I crawled into bed next to him and fell asleep.

Here's to the big day tomorrow!

Authors Note: How do you think the performance and red carpet will go? Comment and tell me! Merry Christmas y'all!

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