Chapter 10:

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Brantley's POV:
I woke up and Jaclyn was still asleep so I let her sleep because she had a rough night last night. Her ankle wouldn't stop hurting even after taking pain pills. She was up till 3 this morning in pain. I carefully got up and went downstairs.

B: hey momma
M: hey baby. Where's Jaclyn?
B: asleep. She had a rough night last night.
M: what happened?
B: her ankle wouldn't stop hurting even after taking pain pills. She was up till 3 this morning in pain. So I didn't wake her.
M: oh my. I hope she feels better.
B: me too. I hate to see her in pain. I wish I could take all her pain away.
M: awww honey. You really love her.
B: yes I do. It breaks my heart to see her like this.
M: come here.

She wrapped me in a hug. I wiped away my tears and went to check on Jaclyn. She was starting to wake up. I laid down next to her.

B: hey baby. How ya feeling?
J: my ankle still hurts like hell.
B: let's go get you something to eat and you can take more pain pills.

I stood up and helped her stand up. She slowly got downstairs with my help. She sat at the table and put her head in her hands. I went up behind her and rubbed her back then kissed her neck. I gave her a cup of coffee and a plate of food momma made. I sat next to her while she ate. I took her boot off to look at her cut. It looked better then yesterday. I slowly started rubbing it. She gripped the chair.

B: does it hurt? Want me to stop?
J: no it feels amazing. It just hurts kinda.
B: okay.

I rubbed her ankle until she didn't have a grip on her chair. I helped her get her boot back on and grabbed her hand. I pulled her up and wrapped her in a hug. She had her head on my chest and I had my head in the crook of her neck. I whispered to her. " I love you. " she said " I love you too. ". I put my head next to hers and said " it kills me to see you in pain. I just wanna take it all away. " " I know babe. ". She's leaned up and kissed me, then wiped away my tears.

B: I think you should see a doctor.
J: ugh.
B: I know but your ankle shouldn't be like this.
J: fine.

We went upstairs and got dressed. I went downstairs while she finished getting ready to talk to momma.

B: hey momma?
M: yeah baby?
B: can we take your car? I'm taking her to the hospital because her ankle shouldn't be this bad. I don't want to have to get her in and out of my truck.
M: of course. Go ahead.
B: thanks momma.

I kissed mommas head and went upstairs to get Jaclyn. I leaned against the door way watching her.

B: ready babe?
J: yeah. Let's go. I went and helped her walk to the stairs. She held on to the rail and gripped on to my arm. We finally got downstairs and I got her in the car. She reclined the seat back and rested.

30 minutes later

B: babe were here.
J: okay.

I opened her door and helped her out. We got in and she filled out the paper work. They called her back and did x-Rays.

D: so we figured out what's wrong. The muscle they said you tore is completely fine. You never tire any muscles in you ankle. You just sprained it. Your ankle hurts because that's not the right brace for a sprained ankle. This is. (Holds up a brace)
B: okay. How long does she need to where it?
D: 2 weeks at the max.
B: okay thank you.

We got back in the car and drove to the pharmacy and got her a brace. We took her boot off and put the brace on.

30 minutes

We were back at moms house and she greeted us outside.

M: what did they say?
J: I never tire any muscles it was just a sprained ankle and why it hurt so much was because I was in the wrong kinda brace.
M: oh. At least your in the correct one now right?
J: yes I am.

I threw her boot in my truck and we all went inside. We sat on the couch and talked. Jaclyn had laid her head on my shoulder and her leg across my lap and ended up falling asleep. So me and momma talked for awhile before she had to go to work. I carried Jaclyn upstairs and laid her down. I went downstairs and packed a lunch for both of us. I grabbed a blanket and put them in the Gators trunk. I went upstairs and she was awake playing on her phone.

B: come on darlin I got something planned.
J: this can't be good
B: I think you will like it.

We went downstairs and got in the gator. I drove down to the lake being careful of the bumps. When we pulled up her eyes got huge. I got out and put the blanket down on the dock. I grabbed her hand and the backpack. I sat the bag down and pulled her into my lap once I sat down. I kissed her cheek. I pulled out all of her favourite stuff. Mountain Dew, cold pizza, beef jerky, and chips. She turned around and kissed me. She pushed me down to where I was laying on my back. She straddled me and never broke our kiss. It broke for a second then it continued. We had a make out session for about 20 minutes. We sat and ate the food then went back up because I have a show at 6 tonight.

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