Chapter 35:

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Jaclyns POV:

I woke up and B was still asleep. I got up and went to the bathroom. When I was done I went and checked on Aeri. She was giggling and playing with toys. I picked her up and gave her a kiss. I changed her diaper and got her dressed for the day. I went downstairs with her on my hip. I started coffee and started her breakfast. I put her in her high chair and turned on some music. I cooked her some eggs and put them on her tray. I was making my coffee when I felt arms wrap around my stomach. I smiled and he snuggled into my neck. I poured me a cup of coffee and turned around. I gave him a kiss and went to sit by Aeri. I sat down and watched her. She was playing with her food and laughing. B came over and asked me

B: have you ate?
J: no I'm not hungry.
B: you need to eat.
J: I know. I will in a little bit.
B: fine. I'm not gonna argue.
J: we literally haven't argued why are you getting pissy.

I cleaned Aeri up and took her upstairs. I decided we were going to go see my grandma in Missouri without B. I packed her bags and took her into our room so I could pack. I packed my bag and grabbed hers. I took her and put her in the truck. I loaded our bags up and B tried stopping me.

J: let go of me now. Do you remember how this ended last time? You? On the ground?
B: babe. Please. Don't leave.
J: I'm going to see family. Work and get your fucking stress out.

I got in the truck and backed out. Aeri sat there and said " momma? " " Yes baby? " " Daddy? " " Daddies gotta work. We are gonna go see grandma. " She giggled and clapped her hands. I laughed and kept driving.

Hours later

We pulled into Missouri. It was about 5 so we stopped for dinner. After dinner we stopped to get gas. I got a Mountain Dew Kickstart and we headed to my great grandmas.

2 hours later

We pulled into her barn and I got Aeri out. She was passed out. She laid her head on my shoulder and slept. I knocked on her door. She opened it and let me in.

J: Hey Bart
BART: Hello

I went and sat down in the living room next to my aunt. She rubbed Aeri's back and we talked. We talked until Aeri woke up. Aeri played with my aunt and grandma. I went out and got our bags. I put them in our room and got them settled. I went back out and Aeri was fussy. I picked her up and took her into our room. I changed her diaper and changed her into sweat pants and a shirt. I put socks on her and got her sippee. She laid down on the bed and drank her sippee. I changed and put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my glasses. I put them on and grabbed Aeri. She laid her head on my shoulder and chilled. I sat down with my legs up on the couch. Aeri had her head on my chest sitting on my lap.

My phone went off so my aunt handed it to me. It was Brantley. I handed Aeri to my aunt and she laid her on her chest so she could sleep. I walked past Bart and stuck my hand out and he hit my hand with his wing. I put some shoes on and went outside. I dropped the tailgate and sat down on it.

J: What?
B: I'm sorry. Please come home.
J: I'm with family for a couple of days. Let's make a deal.
B: Okay.
J: You work at the studio for the next two days to basically finish the album. Then we can spend time when we get home.
B: I'm good with that.

We talk for a little while longer. He asks about Aeri and my family. After I hang up I go back in. I sit down and Aeri is awake. She must have been crying because her eyes are red and so is her face. She comes over to me and lays her head on my chest. She's been very cuddly lately. I felt her forehead and cheeks. She was kinda warm. I gave her some medicine and she fell asleep. I took her up to our room and we laid down. I covered her up with her blanket B had made for her. I covered up and we both slept.

Next day

I got up and got dressed while Aeri slept. After I got dressed I took my bags outside because we aren't staying tonight. I came back in and gave Aeri her medicine and changed her diaper and clothes. This morning she hasn't stopped crying. I decided to take her to the doctor.

When we pull in they take us back immediately. She sits on my lap the whole time so she will listen. They said she has an ear infection and the stomach bug going around. They prescribed her some meds. I went and picked them up and got her settled. I head back home. I wasn't staying at the house tonight. We are staying with Ran.

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