Anything for Selenas

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"Bella I need help

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"Bella I need help." I say as I rush into her room. She sits up on her bed clearly startled.


"I have a date with Emmett and I have no idea what to wear."

"That's why you gave me a heart attack?" She asked like it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world. "Ok where are you guys going?"

"No clue." I throw myself onto her bed face first. "The date hasn't started and it's already a disaster."

"Okay calm down, just wear something that your comfortable and confident in." I sigh and try to calm down, easier thought about then done.

"Okay can I get options and bring you in to judge?"

"No we'll go to your room so you don't mess up my room as well."

"Smart, oh can you go get me a green apple and some ice?"

"Why can't you go get it?" Because a vampire sucked on my neck.

"Because I'm hiding my neck from dad." She nods and heads downstairs while I go to my room and start to pick out a few outfits.

"Dads just watching football in the living room." Bella says as she walks into my room, and hands me the ice.

"Ok that's good, Bella I'm nervous." And cold, the ice was freezing, well obviously but that's not the point.
"I don't think I've gone on a date date."

"Well neither have I so your outta luck with me."

"What if it doesn't go well?" I sigh and turn to look at her going through my closet.

"It'll be fine." I nod and watch her continue to go through my clothes. "She'd be happy for you."

"I know." I smile at her as she comes towards me with a few skirts.

"Ok personally I like the beige one more, but if you plan on doing lipstick then go with the red one."

"I was thinking lipgloss actually." She nods and puts the green one on the bed. "So what do you think of Emmett?"

"I like that he kept trying and stayed respectful." I nod at her words. "I also like how much you you smile around him. Alex says all you two do is joke around in class."

"Snitch bitch."

"Plus you look good together." She wiggles her eyebrows. "I don't however like that he sucked on your neck like a vampire."

"I'm sorry that we scared your virgin mind Mary."

"Make jokes all you want I'm helping you right now." She said as she pulled out a few dresses and then put two on the bed and the others back. "So where are you guys going?"

"I have no idea he said it was a surprise." I say and bite into my apple. "I'm hoping it's not to fancy I don't do well in places that are stiff."

"Nah Emmett doesn't seem like the type." She turns to show me something and almost face plants.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now