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I say Emmett and Cel are a lot of songs but Yk what as a Hozier lesbian, they are Work Song
Also their ship name is Cemett
That's all
Love ya

Halloween has always been my favorite from dressing up to scary movies. Not to mention it was in fall, and fall is the only season that matters. So here we are getting ready for the iconic gothic esc couples for pictures. We had decided for Halloween to do other costumes because these are very extra, I mean Alex and Viv are literally painted blue. Not to mention we had something else planned for this special day. And now Conner and Paul were dressed as Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd because they deserve their own movie.

"Enough Andy stop being difficult." I tell him while I adjust his suspenders, no I'm not his mother shut up. "Just for pictures please."

"Fine just hurry." He says and I mock him lowly. "I don't have to do this."

"Yes you do now shut up." I tell him and then Bree comes down with her little braids. "Oh you're just so cute." I tell her finally done with Andrew and move to squish her face. "We look sooooo cute."

"We look like freaks." Andy mumbles and I roll my eyes. "We do."

"He's right you do." Calvin says as he enters my house. "But I mean you always look like hot topic threw up."

"Fuck you."

"Yea yea what did you call me for?"

"I need your hand."

"Correction you need a hand." He says with a smirk. "I know English is hard sometimes but seriously." Alex snorts and I flip them both are.

"I meant what I said. I need your hand, for thing."

"What?" He asks confused. "Andrew is she making sense to you or am I having a stroke?"

"Thing is the hand servant from the movie. So she wants your hand as a prop." Andrew tells him looking bored. "And as someone who has to be in said pictures please just give her the hand, please."

"Fine, don't do anything weird with it." Calvin says after a minute and then snaps his hand off and hands it to me. I take it and begin drawing the stitches onto it. "You know I'm offended you didn't ask any of us to join your family pictures."

"That's because this is my hybrid family, we were talking about doing Disney couples for the Cullens and us."

"Aww you do love us."

"Nevermind die."

"Already dead."

"Double die then assface." He gives a sarcastic laugh and I just smile. "EM!"

"I'm coming!" He yells back and then I hear Achilles running down. "Okay we're ready." Achilles was just brushed so all his hair went straight down, plus the wonderful top hat and glasses of cousin It. "You look great babe." He says coming over and kisses me.

"Thank you Gomez."

"Barf!" Calvin and Andrew say and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up losers." Emmett tells them and then kisses me again. "Is everyone else ready?"

"Almost." Vivian tells him. "Help me with the veil please." She says to me and I get up and go help her. "Ok now we're done."

"Okay Swam coven first then we'll go couple by couple then get group ones." Alex says picking up her camera. "Go to the fancy throne." We move to pose and all that jazz, thank you Esme for having a giant gothic chair in storage. "Cel you sit." I nod and you know sit then put Calvin's hand on Bree's shoulder.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now