Bella's Turn

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"Morning." I jump at the voice and turn to see Emmett sitting on my bed.

"Creepy dude." I say and turn back to my mirror to finish my makeup. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Can't come say hi to my girl?" He asks wiggling his brows at me in the mirror.

"We go to school together, couldn't have waited 20 minutes?" I ask going to sit with him. "Am I just that irresistible?"

"Yes but also I'm not going to school today."

"Why not?"

"According to Alice and the news it's going to be sunny today."

"Right don't want you melting in front of the whole student body." I tease, he shakes his head. "Disintegrating?" He shakes his head again. "Alright I give up, what happens when you're in the sun?"

"We sparkle." I laugh, I mean come on that's ridiculous and he's a vampire.

"Oh your serious." I say he nods, and I laugh again.
"Well then disco man, I'll see you later." I say and kiss his cheek before I walk out of my room. I walk to Bella's door and knock before walking in. "Fancy ditching with me?"

"I said you can't make that a regular thing." She said looking up from her shoes.

"But Bella it's sunny today." I say. "We could go to La Push and it's be like a real beach day."

"Just because the suns out doesn't mean it's hot enough for a beach day."

"But for Forks it is." I say. "Come on Bells."

"Mmm no, and if you want to skip ask dad." She says and walks past me but trips, I reach out a hand to steady her. I giggle a little and follow her downstairs. "Morning."

"How are doing on this fine morning dad?" I ask.

"She wants something doesn't she?"  Bella nods her head and sits down to eat.

"A girl can't ask how her dads doing?" I say holding my chest, I sit next to Bella and grab the last green apple, need to buy more. "I'm honestly hurt." Dad just stares at me and waits. "Okay so maybe I want to not go to school today."

"Well what we're you thinking of doing?"

"Going down to la push, maybe surf a little." I say, please let me skip.

"Alright, I guess." Yes! "What about you Bells, wanna join Cel?"

"No thank you." Bella says. "I actually care about my future." Snotty.

"Who says I don't care about my future?"

"You're lack of college applications."

"College is a sham, Isabella. Besides you don't need a degree to become a tattoo artist." She shakes her head and walks back upstairs.

"You sure about not going to college Cel?" Dad asks. "Not saying you have too, but it could be a good experience."

"No thank you, 12 years of school is enough." I say. "Besides I get to make a living out of stabbing people and it's legal." I say, dad shakes his head.
"Come on pops, never thought of getting a tattoo?"


"Even when Billy and Harry got theirs?"

"No not even then." I shake my head and pull my phone out to text Alex I can't pick her up today. "When I become a tattoo artist would you get a tattoo from me?"

"Would I have to pay?"

"I'd give you a discount." I say shrugging.

"Mm if you mess it up your grounded." I laugh at him. "I'm serious I'll tell them you can't go to work cause I said no."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now