Death Wish

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"I haven't seen you in pants in months

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"I haven't seen you in pants in months." Paul says when I walk into Emily's house. A now sleepover central for all human imprints and Seth. "It's weird."

"Yes well in case any fighting happens I would prefer if nobody saw up my skirt. You know?" I ask him coming in to see everyone even less dressed than usual as we get ready to meet the Cullens. "Moms super happy Jacob went by the way."

"Feeling left out?" He asks me pouting.

"No. I pity them both." I look at the clock Emily had. "Hate to break up the love fest but it's time."

"Alright let's move out." Sam says nodding before we all headed out. "And you two." He says pointing at me and Paul. "Don't be stupid."

"Hey have a little faith." I say bumping his shoulder, he continues to glare at me. "Alright alright."

After they all shift we run to meet the Cullens on our side of the treaty line. The Cullens were already there and now we wait. And wait and wait. I can feel the pack getting antsy as we wait and gods I cannot blame them this shit is boring.

"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asks softly and I swear to god it better be or so help that little pixie.

"She's almost here." Alice says looking like she's off in la la land. We listened closer and all to be heard was the wolves steady breathing and some ducking birds. But then there it was and I was off. "On the left." Alice calls and I hear everyone start running.

I see her up ahead and see Paul and Logan pass me trying to get her.

"Watch it." Alice yells and I have to jump back when Victoria throws Logan back.

"What an idiot." I mumble and catch up with Jared just as she jumps to the other side of the line. "Oh she thinks she's smart." I say and keep on the wolf side while she taunts Edward. You know if she wasn't a homocidal freak we would probably get along.

She jumps back and I launch myself at her and we go tumbling through the dirt.

"Hello." She says while I try to rip her head off.

"Bitch." I say and we flip again this time into the river. Oh great I'm wet now. God all this rolling around and it's not for a sexy time, what a waste.

"Emmett don't!" I hear and then hear growling and shouting.

"Paul!" Sam shouts and I look up to see Emmett and him going at it, which leads to Victoria throwing me into a tree before getting away.

"Shit." Logan says pulling on his pants as he helps me up. "You good?"

"No she got away." I grumble trying to brush all the dirt off of my wet clothes. "What a waste."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now