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Paul was trotting around on all fours like he didn't have a care in the world. Oh to be giant lap dog. Maybe I could learn to shapeshift. Now that would be a fucking gift. "Wanna play fetch?" I ask Paul picking up a branch.

I'm not actually a dog.

"Okay wanna play catch then?"


"Loser." I mumble and lean back against a tree. "Paul what if I asked you not to fight?" He shifted back and put on his shorts. "What's wrong with the mind reading?"

"You need to hear this properly dumbass." He sasses and I roll my eyes. "Don't catch an attitude bitch."

"Whatever it was just a genuine question." I tell him. "It's like, I can't imagine this just being a conversation, they want to kill us and I can't imagine taking you guys from everything."

"Celeste this is what we're born to do." Paul tells me placing his hand on my shoulder. "You're not asking us to do anything we don't want to do."

"Yea but what about Colin and Brady?" I ask, two new shifters barely 13. All the new vampires caused them to shift prematurely. "And Seth? They're babies."

"Celeste we all knew the risks and the brats are in fact enjoying their new 'superpower'. I need you to trust us."

"I trust you I just don't trust the Voltori."

"Yea well." He goes to say more before we're interrupted by several howls. "Leeches."

"And not invited ones." I mutter as we run off towards the treaty line. We see two blurs head towards us laughing as they taunt the young shifters. The white haired one, what the fuck is this a cartoon, kicks Brady and I send him a little love from Jane.

"Celeste no!" Carlisle says but I'm not gonna stop. "They're here to help us." He adds and I stop, the dark haired one helps his friend up both glaring at me.

"You ever touch one of the wolves again I'll feed you to them." I snap and then walk over to where Brady is. Colin is crouched behind Paul who's still snarling at thing one and two. "Let's go." We walk back towards the treaty line. "Are you okay pup?" I ask and he nods his furry head. "Good." I pet him and Colin trots up pushing him out of the way for pets. "My gods you two are adorable."

"Don't baby them." Sam says as he comes up to meet us. "These are for you." He gestures behind him to where four vampires are standing.

"Hello." I greet them.

"Hello, we were sent here by Jasper Cullen, he said to find Celeste Swan." The man says stepping forward.

"Well that's me. So would you like to come meet my family?" They nod and I smile. "So who are you guys exactly?"

"I'm Yuritizi, this is Xio, Estrella, and B'atz'." Yuritizi says stepping in front of the others. "We're the Mayan clan from Guatemala."

"Mayan as in Aztec, Mayan, and Inca?" Paul asks them and she nods. "Cool."

"So you're old old." I say. "Older than the Voltori."

"Much older." Estella confirms and I nod. "So what atrocities have you committed in their eyes?"

"They believe my niece is an immortal child. She's not."

"Interesting." B'atz' murmurs. "So born from a human and a vampire."

"Have you heard of this before?" I ask hopeful, Carlie's growth rate has us all on edge.

"Only myths. But then again many myths are true." Xio says eyeing Paul. "Werewolves are the most interesting."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now