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I've never been so tired in my life and I died at some point. Its like I wasn't made to exist like this I was meant to lay on a bed and be fed grapes while some oiled hottie fanned me with a giant leaf. But no be a vampire they say. It's so cool. Lies. And then it's expensive too? Hate it.

"Here." I say throwing Bree and Andrew the new phones I got them. "Don't break them or you're out of luck."

"Why?" Andrew asks.

"So that when my name pops up on the screen you answer it."

"I know how a phone works."

"Well then why are you asking me?" He rolls his eyes. "Anyway did you plan on going to college?"

"Did you?"

"Nope. I was always bound to be a artist." I tell him. "Come on we're going to the house of white."


"I wanna learn more of Kate's power and they're leaving tonight."

"Just don't test it on me."

"Or me." Bree says from where she lays upside down watching friends.

"I would never Bree." She smiles at me and Andrew gasps. "I make no promises to you."

"I will fight you."

"Come at me bro."


"What does one buy for a teenager who got turned into a vampire as a way to get back at his dead sister's girlfriend for his 18th birthday?" I ask dad and Billy who are cuddled up on the couch.

"Therapy." Dad deadpans.

"Boo next." I say sitting on the chair. "Seriously I need good ideas."

"Therapy is the best thing for that boy and you know it."

"Billy help me out here."

"A bed friend." Billy says and dad slaps his arm.

"You old geezers are no help." I say laying back. "I need fun ideas and ones that don't involve prostitution."

"Then you're out of luck." Ughhhh now I have to think for myself. Which is just so much work. Way too much. "Do vampires even celebrate birthdays?"

"They celebrated Bella's." I shrug. "It turned out shitty but they tried. Besides me being forever 18 does not mean you get to skip my birthday."

"There goes my plan." Billy mumbles.

"Rude." He smiles at me. "Maybe I'll pull an Emmett and buy him a house."

"He got you a house?" Dad yells sitting up. "When was this?"

"Well he showed it to me a three days ago."

"So that's it you're moving out?"

"Ha no." I shake my head. "You can't get rid of me that easily. I'm here forever, literally."

"Sigh." Billy says. Like literally says the word.

"Yea and with supernatural hearing so no hanky in this my home."

"What if I just kick you out?" Dad asks.

"You would never."


"Sigh." Billy says again.

"I will wheel you down a mountain."


Did I buy a cake for someone who can't eat it? Yes. Was I sitting on the Cullens front steps lighting 19 candles? Also yes. Don't question me I have literally 13 seconds before midnight hit. Why the Cullen house? They have a bigger garbage, duh.

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