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Celeste's P.O.V.

God if there's one thing in life I hate more than the heat it's waking up at 6:30 in the morning because I have to share a shower with Bella. But alas I refuse to shower after her she uses all the hot water. So up and into the shower I go.

I wonder if people here actually care what they wear. The boys at Rez don't but then again they run around half naked. Ok let's find some clothes so I can get ready and go to my second personal hell. ok this and now I need shoes. Ah ha. Docs.

"Morning pops

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"Morning pops." I say as I walk into the kitchen, he respond using a grunt, he is caveman. I pity anyone who can read my mind. I grab a green apple, because any others are gross and sit down. And here we have a wild Celeste who narrates her whole life in her head in her natural habitat.

"Alright, I'm off." Dad says as he gets stands from the table. "I'll see you at the diner for dinner later." I nod at him. "Have good day at school and tell Bells I said good luck."

"I will dad. Love you."

"Love you too." And he's gone. Wonder if anything interesting will happen in Forks today. This just in a bear chases cop car down the street, and oh wait it's not a bear just your local drunk man. Ha like this town is that exciting. And here comes the clutz.

"Morning sunshine." I say to Bella as she walks in. "Dad went to work already." She just nods and sits down to eat her cereal. God she hasn't even said anything and yet there's now a awkward silence. How she does it I'll never know. "So first day of Forks high. You ready?" I ask knowing she's gonna hate the attention.

"Can't really be that bad can it?" She asks me.

"True. Do you me to wait for you or can I leave now?" I ask her. I don't want to leave her high and dry. What kind of twin would I be if I did that? Eh either way I'm amazing.

"You can go. I'll see you at school." I just nod and kiss her forehead and I'm out the door. I get into my car and turn her on. Ha I turned her on. God I'm a twelve year old little boy. Ahh how I've missed you Ruby. I start the drive to school, what a shame it's only like 10 minutes away, I would love to drive for hours.

"Home of the Spartans here I come." I mutter to myself as I get out of the car. I grab my bag from the passenger seat and closer the door.

"Dude this car is dope." I turn to face the voice and see 3 people standing by the front of my car. How the hell did I miss that?

"Thanks." I say, I don't even know who complimented the car.

"Hi I'm Alexandra, call me Alex though." The voice says. Or Alex I guess. Hey she's got taste in cars I'll give her that and her eyes are pretty, well all of her is. "This is Vivian and Conner." She says pointing to the two people behind her, they both smile and wave. Wow more pretty people.

"Hey I'm Celeste." I say as I walk closer to them. Because a bitch can't hear.

"We know." The boy, Conner, says. "Aren't there supposed to be two of you?" He asks me.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now